The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.04.20

Posted on | August 4, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.04.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Malicious software or best kouhai? Who knows with BB? From the Summer Event on Fate/Grand Order.

357 Magnum: So How Should The Elderly Defend Themselves?
Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts
EBL: What Happened In Beirut?
Twitchy: Sen. Hirono Walks Out Of Ted Cruz’ Hearing, Refuses To Denounce Antifa
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Wants To Hold Liberal Politicians Accountable For Antifa Riots
Vox Popoli: The Lede, Buried, also, Facebook Has Corporate Cancer

Adam Piggott: Gutting The Suburbs
American Conservative: Make America Fun Again, also, Joe Biden Is Not A Nice Guy
American Greatness: Obama Defends Mob Rule, also, Nevada Approves Mail-In Voting
American Power: Riots & Demonstrations From Portland To Jerusalem
American Thinker: The Real Reason Democrats Are Pushing For Mail-In Ballots, also, The Democrat Elite Is Aging, Becoming Demented
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Vaccine News
Babalu Blog: Cuban-Americans In Louisville Fight Back Against #BLM Extortion
BattleSwarm: Eric Weinstein & Bret Easton Ellis Discuss Why Trump Keeps Beating The Left, also, Joe Rogan Interviews Ben Shapiro (Again)
Cafe Hayek: Some Links
CDR Salamander: Are We Living In The Twilight Of American Seapower Dominance?
Da Tech Guy: Want Accountable Government? Vote Trump, also, Report From Louisiana – I’m Armed With A Spray Bottle & A Rag
Don Surber: Democrats Are Paying For The Mueller Report, also, Why Biden’s VP Pick Is Delayed
First Street Journal: Being #Woke Means Never Having To Think Things Through
The Geller Report: MSNBC Producer Quits, Calls Network A “Cancer” Stoking Racial Division, also, Portland Riots Grow More Violent As Feds Step Back
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Unexpectedly!
Hollywood In Toto: HBO’s The Swamp Sticks The Knife Slowly Into Three GOP Stars, also, Why The PG-Rated Tourist Trap Is As Creepy As Freddy, Michael Myers
JustOneMinute: Biden’s VP Pick
The Lid: After Lewis Eulogy, Tucker Carlson Slams Obama As “One Of The Sleaziest” Political Figures Ever
Legal Insurrection: Media Documents NYC Mail-In Voting Fiasco But Won’t Admit Trump Is Right, also, Federal Court Rules No Qualified Immunity For Mass. Judge Who Helped Illegal Alien Evade ICE
The PanAm Post: Alex Saab Used Mexican Companies To Help Maduro Evade Sanctions, also, U.S. Plans To Relocate Factories From Asia To Latin America
Power Line: Did Lockdowns Work? Evidence Says No, also, The “Abject Failure” Strikes Back
Protein Wisdom: Progressive Authoritarianism & Its Discontents
Shark Tank: Rubio Rejects Castro Sympathizer/VP Hopeful Bass’ Excuse
Shot In The Dark: The New Kulaks
The Political Hat: Joe “Bad Touch” Biden’s Plan To Destroy Small Businesses With Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: It’s Not Quite The Inquisition They Wanted, also, Some New Endorsements For POTUS
Victory Girls: Ivanka Spearheads Human Trafficking Survivor Grants, also, Praetorian Media Calls For No Presidential Debates
Volokh Conspiracy: Extramural Speech At Auburn
Weasel Zippers: Teen Who Rallied To Remove Police From Chicago Public Schools Shot To Death, also, Federal Judge Orders NYS To Count Previously Invalidated Mail-In Ballots
Megan McArdle: We All Have A Stake In SpaceX’s Success
Mark Steyn: I’ll Never Smile Again, also, A Baroness On Barrenness

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