The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.30.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1125 357 Magnum: Lack of Computer Security Can Kill You EBL: No Oktoberfest In 2020 Twitchy: Drew Holden Fact-Checks The Fact-Checkers After Tuesday’s Debate Louder With Crowder: Joe Biden Did Horribly With Latino Voters In Post-Debate Poll Vox […]

‘An Extensive Criminal History’: Suspect Arrested in Ambush of LA Deputies

  Who hates cops? Criminals hate cops: A man has been charged in connection with the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies earlier this month in Compton. Sheriff Alex Villanueva and L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced the arrest of Deonte Lee Murray at a news conference Wednesday morning at LASD […]

Good-Bye, Zimbabwe, U.S.A.: Ben Shapiro Explains Why He’s Leaving California

More than a decade ago, I began comparing California to the kleptocratic regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe: The thievish, parasitical mentality of liberals, who view taxpayers only a source of plunder, eventually runs head-on into economic reality. Capital is portable, and predatory governments will eventually cause disinvestment, as investors seek opportunities elsewhere. As investment […]

Biden and the ‘White Supremacy’ Smear

  There is exactly zero evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist,” but the absence of evidence did not prevent the Joe Biden campaign from smearing the teenager who defended himself against an Antifa mob during the Kenosha riots. Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer Lin Wood is not happy about this: After last night’s debate, the […]

In The Mailbox: 09.29.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: What’s The Opposite Of Diversity? EBL: Biden/Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Twitchy: Joe Biden Was For The Green New Deal Before He Was  – Very Quickly – Against It At The Debate Louder With Crowder: Ilhan Omar’s Ballot Harvester Caught In The Act Paying For Someone’s Ballot […]

Biden: Incompetent AND Incontinent?

  Guess which candidate needs an extra potty break? On Tuesday morning the Trump campaign requested a new rule for the first presidential debate: that a third party inspect both candidates for electronic devices or transmitters. President Trump had already consented to such an inspection, and the Biden campaign had reportedly agreed to this days […]

In The Mailbox: 09.28.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Director Blue: MI/PA/WI Voter Fraud Update – Are Democrat House & Senate Candidates Trapped In A No-Win Situation? 357 Magnum: How Environmentalists Killed Forest Management EBL: Did The New York Times Lie About Donald Trump? Twitchy: Canadian CEO Tweets “Patriots Pay Taxes”, Gets Schooled In American History Louder […]

LOL: Trashy Ex-Gawker Link-Bait Peddler Libels Black Professor, Gets Sued

Confession: I was tempted to use the phrase “media Jew” in the headline to describe Ashley Feinberg, just for the sake of cheap traffic from anti-Semites, because really, what’s the difference between that and the kind of link-bait “journalism” Feinberg does? She got her start at Gawker and specializes in mining the Internet for “exclusives,” […]

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