The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Democrat and a Liar

Posted on | October 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

But I repeat myself:

A Michigan bar owner featured in a Joe Biden campaign ad saying his business may fail because of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 response is a wealthy tech investor who made it big after receiving a large family inheritance.
Joe Malcoun, the co-owner of The Blind Pig, said in the ad his bar was nothing more than an empty room because of Trump’s inaction against the virus. “This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response,” Malcoun said.
“We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue. A lot of restaurants and bars that have been mainstays for many years will not make it through this,” the bar owner said. “My only hope for my family, this business and my community is that Joe Biden win this election.”
However, the Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that the odds that Malcoun falls under financial hardship are slim.
Malcoun told a Michigan-based NBC affiliate in 2018 that he received a lottery-like inheritance from his wife’s grandfather about a decade ago and used those funds to become an angel investor in tech companies in the state. . . .
Malcoun leveraged his inheritance to become the “go-to guy” for people seeking investments in the Ann Arbor area, according to Click On Detroit.
And despite pinning his bar’s hardships on Trump in Biden’s ad, Malcoun told Michigan Live in June that he decided it was “not worth it” to host any live shows at the bar despite having authorization from the state to hold events at limited capacity.
“Now that we tried it and saw it’s really hard to communicate what it means to have a really socially distanced and live music show, we decided it’s not really worth trying,” Malcoun explained. “The very last thing we want is to be the epicenter of a new outbreak.”

So, he’s sitting on a pile of money because his wife inherited a fortune from her grandfather, and lying on behalf of Joe Biden’s campaign, falsely claiming that Trump is driving him out of business when, in fact, the problem is Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stupid policies.

Did I mention he’s a board member of the Michigan ACLU? Yeah, a rich lying Democrat, pretending to be just a struggling small businessmen.




One Response to “A Democrat and a Liar”

  1. Around the traps. – Dark Brightness
    October 22nd, 2020 @ 1:09 am

    […] So, he’s sitting on a pile of money because his wife inherited a fortune from her grandfather, and lying on behalf of Joe Biden’s campaign, falsely claiming that Trump is driving him out of business when, in fact, the problem is Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stupid policies. […]
