The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.04.20

Posted on | December 5, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines for the usual weekend linkagery, which may nor may not get done in a timely fashion. Well, the FMJRA, anyway, since nobody seems to mind if it’s late. Maybe a book post this weekend. Maybe not.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Pretty much how I feel about this last quarter of 2020, especially the political part.

357 Magnum: A Good Guy With A Gun Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun
EBL: Frank Sinatra Christmas Special With Bing Crosby (1957)
Twitchy: Occasional Cortex’ Whining About Republicans Not Knowing HOW HARD She’s Worked Just A Hot Mess Of Hilarity
Louder With Crowder: GA Gov Kemp Wants Answers Over Ballot Fraud “Smoking Gun”
Vox Popoli: NSPM #13 Invoked, also, It’s Getting Ugly In Georgia
According To Hoyt: The Eye Of The Storm
Monster Hunter Nation: The Founder Effect Is Out Now


American Conservative: The American Companies Enabling Red China’s Uighur Genocide
American Greatness: Gov. Kemp Calls For Signature Audit Of Ballots Following Ballot-Stuffing Video, also, Shut Up & Take It
American Power: Corona-chan Shrinks Labor Market, Pushing Out Women & Boomers
American Thinker: Is The Democrats’ Election Heist “Too Big To Fail”?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Second Amendment Friday
Babalu Blog: The Horror Of Being A Political Prisoner In Communist Cuba
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 4
Cafe Hayek: Actual Rather That Tweet Tyranny
CDR Salamander: Even The Chairman Goes Salamander On Overseas Forces, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: “In Any Other Situation…”
Don Surber: Democrats Want Crime. It Pays.
First Street Journal: Democrisy – Democrats In Government Don’t Believe In Living Under The Rules They Set For Others, also, You Cannot Tell The Truth In The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Geller Report: One Batch Of 23,000 Fraudulent Ballots All For Biden, Enough For Trump Win, also, Witness Testifies NV Voting Machine USB Drives Had Totals Altered Overnight
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Deniers!
Hollywood In Toto: Free Lunch Express Doesn’t Feel The Bern, also, Did Hollywood Just Write Off 2021…And Beyond?
JustOneMinute: Something’s Happening!
The Lid: 40 States Join Antitrust Lawsuit To Break Up Facebook
Legal Insurrection: Biden Plans To Reenter Iran Deal Without New Conditions, also, NV State Court Judge Rejects Election Challenge
Nebraska Energy Observer: The American Schism
Power Line: The Higher Ed Meltdown Accelerates, also, Mask Jacobinism Runs Rampant
Shark Tank: House Democrats Remain Silent Over Tlaib’s Anti-Israel Tweet
Shot In The Dark: Cautionary Tale, 2020
STUMP: Chicago Homicides Quick Take
The Political Hat: Are Lab-Grown Catgirl Brains Worth The Risk?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Update On Misawa Airman Who Claimed Sexual Harassment
Victory Girls: Pelosi Admits COVID Stimulus Was Blocked To Get Biden Elected
Volokh Conspiracy: De Facto Denials On The Shadow Docket
Weasel Zippers: NV GOP says There’s EXTENSIVE Evidence Of Voter Fraud In Nevada, also, SD Unified School District Forcing Teachers To Attend Racist White Privilege Seminars
The Federalist: Nancy Pelosi Let Millions Suffer To Win An Election, also, Joe Biden’s DHS Nominee Is The Absolute Picture Of DC Political Corruption
Mark Steyn: Good Cop-Defunder, Bad Cop-Defunder, also, Live Around The Planet

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 12.04.20”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    December 6th, 2020 @ 10:29 am

    […] The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And goes in the mailbox. […]