The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: I’d Rather Die Than Give You Control

— compiled by Wombat-socho SOTD Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam. Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach EBL Proof Positive Return of the Aspiring Rapper Update Bacon Time EBL 357 Magnum FMJRA 2.0: Camouflage A View From The Beach EBL Liberalism as Organized […]

The Big Yellow Button Returns

  As every regular reader of this blog knows, the yellow “donate” button takes you to my PayPal account, where you can contribute dollars, pounds, Euros, shekels, rubles or whatever to support the blog. PayPal has been very, very good to me over the years, and I was disturbed when I read that PayPal is […]


Say hello to Cody Wayne Russell, and pray to God that you never encounter him, because Cody is the pluperfect example of what happens when the criminal justice system fails. There is a judge in Ohio who needs to be removed from the bench. He or she had a chance to send Cody to prison, […]

In The Mailbox: 07.30.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho Usual weekend deadlines for usual weekend posts. Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam. OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: “A City Out Of Control & In A Downward Spiral” EBL: Livin’ Mask Free Twitchy: A Gay Rights Activist Explains How The CDC’s P-Town Study May Be Fatally Flawed, also, Unmasked Biden […]

37% of Criminals Released From Prison Get Re-Arrested Within ONE YEAR

A new study from the Department of Justice confirms what most people already knew, that career criminals continue committing crime: During the first year after their release from state prison in 2012, about 4 in 10 (37%) prisoners were arrested at least once either within or outside of the state that released them . . […]

In The Mailbox: 07.29.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho Silicon Valley delenda est. OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: Chicago Mayor’s Failed Anti-Violence Campaign Red Pilled Jew: The Elois’ Smile EBL: Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over Black Widow Twitchy: “Who The Hell Is She?” also, Horrifying Display Of Decadent Apathy – Democrat Staffer Snaps Pics Of Maskless Republican Staffers Playing Beer […]

In The Mailbox: 07.28.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho Silicon Valley delenda est. OVER THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1427 EBL: Separated At Birth Or Transitioning Liars? Twitchy: Army General Protects Twitter Account After Getting Pwned By Hillsdale Student, also, Locals Pour Cold Water On Yoga Mom’s “Off-Grid Thing” Travel Plans Through Central […]

Georgia Democrats Admit They’re ‘F**ked’

A couple of months ago, I had a long phone conversation with an old friend from Douglas County, Georgia. Among other things, we talked about the election there and, when I mentioned suspicions of fraud, my friend said he didn’t believe Democrats had fabricated votes in Fulton County. Instead, he said, they had exploited the […]

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