The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.09.21

Posted on | August 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.09.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Apropos of yesterday’s Rule 5 post

357 Magnum: A Typical Saturday Night In Chicago
Red Pilled Jew: The Jab – Criminal-Scale Negligence
EBL: Atlantic Crossing Review
Twitchy: Drew Holden Names & Shames Media Who Sicced The Mob On An Innocent Rockies Fan, also, Rockies Seem To Have Left Something Out Of Their Update On Fan Who Didn’t Use The N-Word
Louder With Crowder: Mike Rowe Destroys – Line By Line – Idiot Bulwark Reporter’s Hit Piece On Him
Vox Popoli: AZ Pedo State Senator, also, Fauci Spins ADE Injections
Gab News: Facebook-Funded “Researchers” & The NYT Team Up To Go After Gab

Adam Piggott: Sunday Morning Ramblings
American Conservative: It’s Not Just About The Masks
American Greatness: Nancy Pelosi’s Secret Police, also, The Great Leftist Bully Boy Hope
American Thinker: The Vaccine – Experimental Times Two, also, Biden’s Six Months In Office Have Us On The Road To Communism
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Red China Furiously Working To Save Cuban Communist Dictatorship, also, Biden’s Response To The Cuba Crisis? Resetting Obama’s Unconditional Surrender To Castro
BattleSwarm: Based Joe Rogan Vs. Vaccine Fascism, also, Imagine Communism
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Peeling Thin Layers On A Martian Plateau
Cafe Hayek: John Tierney On The Dangerous Tyranny Of Lockdowns
CDR Salamander: Shipping In The Time Of COVID On Midrats, also, Forget Your Peacetime Battle Networks
Da Tech Guy: We Call Them Standards For A Reason, also, Conservatives’ Quiet Boycott Of Woke Olympics Succeeds
Don Surber: Why Biden Ignores The Constitution, also, Diversity Is Our Weakness
First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!, also, Kneel Before Zod!
The Geller Report: GA Ballots Rejected By Machines Later Altered By Democrat Election Workers To Count, also, Voter Group Says Over 150,000 Illegal Ballots Cast In Wisconsin Election
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, IC 1954
Hollywood In Toto: Publishing’s Leftward Lurch Leaves Author No Choice But To Go Solo, also, Have We Finally Reached Superhero Fatigue?
The Lid: Antifa Terrorists Attack Portland Prayer Event, Portland Police Do Nothing
Legal Insurrection: has Grown, And We’ve Cataloged Over 400 Schools, also, Unions May Have Major Legal Problem In Lawsuit Against RI Mom Nicole Solas Over Critical Race Teaching Records
Nebraska Energy Observer: For God & Country, also, U.S. Generals Lost Wars, Lied, & Looted
Outkick: Legendary Florida State Head Coach Bobby Bowden Dies At 91, also, Twitter Hilariously Reacts To Peyton Manning HOF Bust Reveal
Power Line: Red State Bikers & Sophisticated Celebrities, also, Joe Biden, Enemy Of Religious Freedom
Shark Tank: Wassermann Schultz Calls DeSantis Dumb & Deadly
Shot In The Dark: Peace De Resistance, also, Slopping The Cultural Trough
The Political Hat: Nadsat Goes Woke
This Ain’t Hell: Perfect Snapshot Of What It’s Like Working In The Military, also, 101st Airborne D-Day Vet To Jump Again On 100th Birthday
Transterrestrial Musings: Christian Denominations, also, Tucker To Hungary
Victory Girls: Teen Vogue – Mobilize Towards A Socialist Future, also, Cuomo’s Chief Toady Melissa DeRosa Jumps Ship
Volokh Conspiracy: Fourth Amendment Bars Cuffing Driver Just Because He Has A Gun And A Permit
Weasel Zippers: GA Gov Brian Kemp Booed Off Stage By Constituents, also, Subway Franchisees Want Megan Rapinoe Axed From Commercials
The Federalist: Rocks Are Racist Now, also, Newsom’s Recall Is A Hail Mary For Californians Democrats Have Savagely Abused
Mark Steyn: Made For Each Other – Libeled Lady, also, See You Later Respirator

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