The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.12.22

Posted on | August 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.12.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Continuing “Let’s Poop On The FBI” week

357 Magnum: Public Schools & Failure
EBL: So now the speculation is the FBI was searching for secret nuclear military codes in Trump’s mementos, also, Jeffrey Toobin, You’re Fired
Twitchy: Leftists Who Taunted Trump “rElEaSe tHe wArRaNt” Freak Out When He Does, also, Kimberly Strassel Tells AG Garland “We Have Every Right To Be Skeptical” Of The DOJ & FBI
Louder With Crowder: “If I didn’t have my firearm, I wouldn’t be here”, also, CEO lays off a bunch of people, emotes on LinkedIn with a crying selfie so you feel bad for him
Vox Popoli: The Depopulationist Rationale, The TWA 800 Coverup, and Everyone’s Got Trolls
According To Hoyt: When The Masquerade Breaks, Taming The Black Dog, and The Limits Of History
Monster Hunter Nation: It’s been a crazy week, – In Defense of the 2nd Amendment, WriterDojo S3 Ep5: Nonfiction, and Correia’s Law of Internet Arguing
Stoic Observations: Implicit Assumptions About Subconscious Bias

American Conservative: ‘I Have Never Seen Such Idiots!’
American Greatness: ND School Board Drops Pledge of Allegiance over Inclusion of ‘Under God’, also, FBI Search Warrant Shows Trump Under Investigation for Espionage Act Violations; Raid Was Not ‘Narrowly Scoped’
American Power: Author Salman Rushdie Attacked During Speech in Chautauqua, New York: ‘Multiple Stab Wounds’, also, The Payback for Mar-a-Lago Will Be Brutal
American Thinker: When are Biden Voters Going to Get Angry?, also, A Democrat President Again Wastes Taxpayer Money On Useless Renewables
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Rising Sun Friday
Babalu Blog: Shocking video shows Cuban firefighters being sent to their deaths, Cuba’s fake president laughs while Cuba burns, Reports from Cuba: In the midst of blackouts, luxury hotel without customers illuminates Havana, and Dengue epidemic intensifies in Cuba
BattleSwarm: Taking A Sick Day; Also, Salman Rushdie Stabbed
Behind The Black: Another and this time longer static fire tests for Superheavy prototype #7, Pushback: Blacklisted doctors join lawsuit against Biden administration COVID censorship, and SpaceX launches 46 more Starlink satellites
Cafe Hayek: “Comparative advantage vs. China”, Talk About Labor-Market Power Continues to Be Cheap, and On Smith’s Use in The Wealth of Nations of “Invisible Hand”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Humor and Seriousness
Da Tech Guy: Five Quick Sports Thoughts Under the Fedora
Don Surber: What you have to swallow to be a Never Trumper, also, They have driven themselves crazy
First Street Journal: Does Mark Bailey think that getting raped is really not all that bad?, Killadelphia, and “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Gates Of Vienna: Blockading North Africa to Protect Italy, Under the Shadow of the Nuremberg Noose?, An End to Masking and the Mandatory Vax in Costa Rica, and Vaxed and Damaged
The Geller Report: Author Salman Rushdie, who suffered years of death threats after writing critically about Islam, has been STABBED in the neck during an appearance in New York
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Web of Orbits Around an Asteroid, See, I Told You, and A Cloudscape in the Orion Nebula
Hollywood In Toto: Canceled Star Clifton Duncan: No Regrets for Refusing Vaccination
The Lid: Ilhan Omar’s Career Almost Ended In Shocking Fashion This Week
Legal Insurrection: Greenland Now Targeted by Billionaires for Rare Earth Mineral Mining Development, The Ideology of ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ is Ruining Education, NYT’s Middle East Contributor Praised Hitler, Urged Terror Attacks Against Jews on Social Media, and The Democrats Vote to Raise Taxes, Possibility of More IRS Audits on the Middle Class
Nebraska Energy Observer: Fallout and More
Outkick: Padres Slugger Fernando Tatis Jr. Suspended By Major League Baseball For PEDs, Jimmy Garoppolo Went Dark After Scoring $137.5 Million Deal, Kevin Costner And The MLB Honor Ray Liotta With Emotional Tribute During The Field Of Dreams Game, and Deion Sanders Lays Into Jackson State Staffers, Says They Lack Commitment
Power Line: Code Red for the Deep State?, Another FBI Scandal?, and The madness of slow Joe, Iran edition (16)
Shark Tank: Christina Pushaw Resigns – Will Join DeSantis Re-Election Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Pouncing – Minneapolis Geography Edition, Silly Peasants, and Just Like They Say, Nothing Good Ever Lasts 
STUMP: One Bad Year? Comparing the Long-Term Public Pension Fund Returns Against Assumptions
The Political Hat: The State Of So-Called Social Science, also, How Radical Transgender Ideology Works
This Ain’t Hell: Deleted IRS job posting seeks candidates willing to “use deadly force”, Acquittal in NH Marines motorcycle crash deaths, Valor Friday, and The Gadsden flag is a dangerous and extremist “right wing” symbol according to NPR
Transterrestrial Musings: The Moral Norms Of Tomorrow, Vaccines For Children, and Ignition
Victory Girls: Our Government Leaders Are Killing Us, also, Boston Children’s Hospital And Trans Surgery For Kids
Volokh Conspiracy: Court: “A Retweet Is Not Necessarily an Endorsement”
Watts Up With That: Peter Ridd on Great Barrier Reef Recovery: Technical Details of Coral Cover Statistics, and Background
Weasel Zippers: Biden Claims “Zero Inflation” Despite 8.5% Rate, Mole In Mar-A-Lago Is Likely Longtime Staffer Who Relocated To Mar-A-Lago With Trump Family, and Dem Sen. Ed Markey: No Reason To Pay For Gas — Just Buy An Electric Vehicle
The Federalist: Here’s What Mindy Kaling Gets Wrong In Her Plea For College Girls To Freeze Their Eggs, Merrick Garland Doesn’t Care About The Rule Of Law. Just Ask Hunter Biden, GOP Needs To Get Rid Of McConnell, Not Trump, and The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight
Mark Steyn: Live Around the Planet: Friday August 12th, also, Waiting Patiently

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