The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.09.22

Posted on | September 10, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.09.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Hey kids, what time is it? It’s time for the Based Fall Book Sale! It’s your opportunity to pick up some quality reading from authors who don’t hate you, and who would like the opportunity to entertain you instead of preaching at you! Dozens of books are available for free or cheap, including my own short story collection.
It’s also time for the weekly reminder that the usual deadlines are in effect for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: A Good Guy With A Gun Stopped A Bad Guy
EBL: Claire Foy in The Crown, also, Bernard Shaw, RIP
Twitchy: Breeders – Thou Shalt Not Joke! also, Sen. Cortez Masto’s Bragging About Cracking Down On Crisis Pregnancy Centers Goes So Very Wrong
Louder With Crowder: 160 people arrested in Florida during human trafficking sting, includes teachers and Disney employees
Vox Popoli: Remember, Hope is a Virtue, A Comprehensive Failure, and Excess Death in Switzerland
According To Hoyt: Things Fall Apart, also, Winning The Dragon
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E9: Supporter Spectacular (Round VI)

American Conservative: Overturn New York Times v. Sullivan
American Greatness: Los Angeles Homeless Population Jumps to Over 69,000, Biden Department of Interior Continues Renaming Historic Federal Lands, and UK Announces it Will No Longer Offer COVID Jabs to Children Under 12
American Power: King Charles’ Television Address to the World
American Thinker: Enough Already: Release the J6 Political Prisoners
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty V 
Babalu Blog: Repression in Cuba during August was as brutal as on July 11, 2021, Is Castroism finally falling apart?, and Cuban dictatorship declares official mourning period for Queen Elizabeth, eagerly licks boots of new King Charles III
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for September 9
Behind The Black: NASA wants to launch SLS in September; needs range safety office waiver to do it, FCC proposes new regulation requiring satellites to be de-orbited five years after mission end, SpaceX successfully test fires all six engines on Starship prototype #24, and Today’s blacklisted American: Fox blacklists news reporter for not getting jab
Cafe Hayek: Schumpeter Would Not Be Surprised
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Five “The Queen is Dead” Thoughts Under the Fedora
Don Surber: Putin as Coldfinger, also, Oberlin continues its slander
First Street Journal:  Oh, the poor dears! Homosexual males are whining that they can’t go to their orgies because of monkeypox!, also, You in a heap o’ trouble, boy!
Gates Of Vienna: Michael Stürzenberger Sentenced to Six Months in Prison
The Geller Report: Don’t Believe The Hype About Democrats in the Mid-Terms
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, How Will We Know If DART Worked?, A Spiral of Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, and What’s Your Reputation Worth?
Hollywood In Toto: Podcast Movement’s Apology to Ben Shapiro Reeks of Desperation
The Lid: Bad News For The Climate Change Bug Eating Activists
Legal Insurrection: Carnegie Mellon University Issues Statement After Prof Tweets Vile Message About Queen Elizabeth, Vulnerable Democrats Distancing Themselves From Biden’s MAGA Speech, Will a Rail Strike be the “Black Swan” of the 2022 Midterm Election?, and Justice Sotomayor Stays NY State Court Order Forcing Yeshiva University To Recognize “Pride Alliance” Club
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Queen is Dead
Outkick: BYU Investigation Finds No Evidence Of Fans Hurling Racial Slurs At Duke’s Rachel Richardson, BYU-Duke Volleyball Racism Allegations Fall Apart, But Don’t Expect Apologies From Mike Freeman Or Rest Of Woke Media Mob, MLB To Officially Adopt Pitch Clock, Defensive Shift Limits, and Tennessee Fans Take Over Pirates’ PNC Park With BOOMING Chants Ahead Of Volunteers’ Game Against Pitt
Power Line: Student Loan Forgiveness As Class Warfare, Thoughts from the ammo line, and If You’re Going to San Francisco
Shark Tank: Bilirakis Blames Democrats’ Reckless Spending For Poor Economy
Shot In The Dark: Just Take My Money, also, Trigger Warning
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: The Young
This Ain’t Hell: Clown who just wanted to learn to “kill n****s” thrown out, MN governor accused of Stolen Valor, and Valor Friday
Transterrestrial Musings: About Those North Korean Rockets, The Situation In Europe, Occasional Cortex’s Biggest Problem, and The End Game In Ukraine
Victory Girls: Oberlin College Finally Stops Fighting Judgment, also, Gorsuch: SCOTUS Leak Report Coming Soon
Volokh Conspiracy: The Dormant Commerce Clause and Internet User Protections
Watts Up With That: Wall Street Journal Exposes Gov. Newsom & California’s High-Cost Energy and Reliability Debacle
Weasel Zippers: Queen Elizabeth II Died Yesterday So Naturally Leftists Had GOOD Reactions To That, A Democrat Politician Murdered A Journalist In Nevada And Somehow That’s Trump’s Fault, Biden Tries To Claim “America Is Back” Despite Recession And Skyrocketing Prices, and Joe Biden Versus The Teleprompter
The Federalist: GOP’s Unifying Midterm Strategy Should Treat Democrats’ Green Agenda As Culture War, Alaska’s Ranked-Choice Voting Scheme Was A Plot To Save Murkowski, But It Also Doomed Palin, A Democrat Politician Is Accused Of Killing A Journalist. Reporter Blames Trump, and Democrats Aren’t ‘Divisive,’ They’re Desperate
Mark Steyn: Still Stands That Ancient Sacrifice..?

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