The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.27.22

Posted on | September 27, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.27.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Energy Prices Are Killing German Industry
A Bad American: The Mainstream Media Is At It Again
EBL: Conservative Tiffany Smiley can win a Senate seat in Washington State!, Hurricane Ian Hits Cuba, Florida Next, and Two Nordstream Gaslines Leaking In The North Sea
Twitchy: “Your Money Is Not Safe At Citi”, also, Juan Williams Wants You To Think Of Egg McMuffin As Luke Skywalker
Louder With Crowder: Another surprising 2022 midterm poll shows Democrats might have problems in one of the bluest of blue regions, More proof Dems are getting mollywhopped in November, and  ‘Transracial’ icon Rachel Dolezal has been reduced to doing OnlyFans and Black Twitter has thoughts
Vox Popoli: God, Country, and Family, Improving on Tolkien, Cheating and Chess, and Doug Wilson is a Boomer Fraud

American Conservative: The Final Catholic Generation?
American Greatness: Nikki Haley: Dragon Slayer, DeSantis Calls the White Left’s Diversity Bluff, and No House Arrest or Curfew For ND Man Who Admitted to Killing Teenager Over Politics
American Power: Fighting the Culture War Through Christ, Republicans Intensify Attacks on Crime as Democrats Push Back, and Italy Votes Decisively for Nationalist-Right Coalition
American Thinker: There’s a Reason Conservatives are Becoming Less Tame, also, If Republicans Want to Win, Commit
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Chicken Thief News
Babalu Blog: Cuba at risk of losing 12,000 tons of precious tobacco due to mismanagement, Green organizations ignore the Cuban dictatorship’s crimes against the environment, and Cuban State leaves majority of Camajuani farmers in poverty
BattleSwarm: Did I Get a DDos Attack From Russia?
Behind The Black: Two Red Chinese launches: Long March 2D and Long March 6 put satellites into orbit, More glaciers in Mars’ glacier country, and Today’s blacklisted American: Arrested in 2020 for letting her kids play in park, a mom is still being prosecuted by Idaho Republicans
Cafe Hayek: MAD, also, Southern Economic Journal: Review of Richard Epstein’s ‘Simple Rules for a Complex World’
CDR Salamander: Russia’s Nuclear Option?
Chicago Boyz: Chicagoboyz are fashion trendsetters
Da Tech Guy: In defense of “pink slime” newspapers, Announcing the Novena to St. Matthew for the FBI Agents involved in the Mark Houck Arrest Day 1, “Climate Change” Same old Con New Generation of Marks, and Report from Louisiana: Hurricane Season
Don Surber: Italy elects first woman PM. Misogynist media hates her, Democrats can’t govern. Media blames Republicans, and Is DeSantis next on the SWAT list?
First Street Journal: Has anything the experts have told us about #COVID19 been true?, Just because a public school library does not carry sexually-charged books does not mean that such books are banned, and Killadelphia and Killington
Gates Of Vienna: Nice Work if You Can Get It, Vienna Edition, Convicted of Exposing Islam?, The Sexual Rights of Children, and Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Geller Report: Biden’s Student Loan Handout Could Cost $400 Billion, CBO Reports, also, Explosions Reported On Nord Stream Pipelines As Massive Gas Leaks into Baltic Sea
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, and Those Gas Leaks
Hollywood In Toto: How This is the End Capped the Bro-Comedy Era, Elizabeth Banks Re-Writes History on Charlie’s Angels Flop, and Rob Zombie’s The Munsters Is D.O.A.
The Lid: YO KAMALA: Armed African American Rights Group Marched To Demand A Secure Border
Legal Insurrection: Far-Left Salon Mag Gives Up On Term “Latinx”, YouTube Removes Viral Video Of Incoming Italian PM Giorgia Meloni “For Violating Terms Of Service”, Italy’s Right-Wing Victory: Shock and Rage Across European Political Class, Mainstream Media, and New Video Shows Philadelphia Wawa Plundered by 50 to 100 Juveniles, ‘Some as Young as 10 Years Old’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Is Winnie-the-Pooh on Fire?, also, Italy Turns Right
Outkick: Former Baylor Players Upset At Kim Mulkey Refusing To Comment On Brittney Griner Situation, One Year Later ManningCast Still Isn’t Polished Or Sophisticated, Which Is Great, Women’s Basketball Teammates Throw Punches After World Cup Loss, and Dana White Remains A Donald Trump Supporter, Doesn’t Care What Anyone Thinks
Power Line: An in-your-face fraud, Homicidal Urges on the Left, and Thought for the Day: Affirmative Action Chemotherapy
Shark Tank: POLITICO Accused Of Politicizing Hurricane Ian
Shot In The Dark: Feeding Our Supporters, Non Per Girare, and Sign O’ The Times
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday: Using Taxes as Standing to Sue over the Student Loan Forgiveness
The Political Hat: National Education Association Wants To Teach Kids About Bondage, Fisting, And More
This Ain’t Hell: Memorial service for Army vet Ralph Hubert Barger quiet, respectful, Someone should tell the left that the Nazis were not conservative, Nuclear Saber Rattling, and Doubts over Mays (USS Bonhomme Richard) trial reported
Victory Girls: NASA Plays Armageddon And It’s So Cool, also, Putin Has a Potemkin Army
Volokh Conspiracy: The First Lawsuit Challenging Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
Watts Up With That: Former Bank of England Governor’s Net Zero Asset Alliance Crumbling, also, Which part of “economic” does the World Economic Forum not understand?
Weasel Zippers: Biden At It Again: “Everybody Under 15, Come Here, Bad Orange Woman Admits: If Midterms Are Referendum On Biden, Democrats Will Lose, More Giorgia Meloni Awesomeness, and WZ QUARTERLY DONATION DRIVE
The Federalist: Here’s Some Required Reading For Gender-Confused Teen Girls Before They Remove Their Breasts, It’s Not Tolkien’s Fault Amazon’s Adaptation Is Terrible, FBI Seized $86 Million In Raid On Innocent Americans’ Safe Boxes After Duping Judge For Warrant, and Jan. 6 Committee Decides To Move Final Show Trial Hearing Even Closer To Election Day
Mark Steyn: Ball’s Bearing, also, Meltdown over Meloni

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