The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is It #FreeStacy Time Yet?

Posted on | October 29, 2022 | 2 Comments

“For dishonest women like Anita Sarkeesian, feminism is a sort of alchemy by which bullshit is transformed into cash, and she has collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for her ‘non-profit’ activism. How do you suppose such a shrewd opportunist would react to the suggestion that she might have some role in the apparent crackdown on Twitter dissent? Ms. Sarkeesian (a) accused her critics of being paranoid conspiracy theorists, and (b) offered her own paranoid conspiracy theory.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Feb. 26, 2016

More than six years have passed since my @rsmccain account was permanently banned from Twitter, informed that I had been “found to be violating … our rules around participating in targeted abuse,” although they never did tell me (a) who had been “targeted,” (b) how they were “abused,” or (c) how I had been “participating” in this alleged abuse.

There is no due process, you see, when the Left decides it’s time to silence their enemies. You are a Thought Criminal, and therefore you don’t even deserve to know what you did to justify the punishment, which is determined by an unnamed “Trust & Safety” monitor whose judgment cannot be appealed. There is no habeas corpus, as it were, no hearing where the accused has a right to see the evidence against him, no opportunity to cross-examine witnesses, no chance to get justice.

At the time of my banishment in February 2016, friends on Twitter remarked that they had observed nothing unusual in my Twitter stream in the days preceding this sudden and inadequately explained ban. Unlike some other high-profile cases of people banned from Twitter, there was no flagrantly objectionable tweet that anyone could point to and say, “Oh, that is why they banned him.” Of course, I had spent the previous couple of years in a full-frontal attack on radical feminism, and in the process had been drawn into the #GamerGate controversy, but in all those months of online combat, I didn’t “dox” anyone or whatever. So what was this “abuse” in which I “participated,” and who was “targeted”? Your guess is as good as mine. Oh, sure I “deadnamed” a few trannies and said rude things about Laurie Penny and Ella Dawson, but lots of people do stuff like that without getting a lifetime ban from Twitter.

Perhaps now that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter, there will be some sort of accountability for what I contend was a gross violation of my rights, for which several people urged me to file a lawsuit, a course of action I declined, knowing that the miscreants responsible would some day face justice — the wheel of karma would turn — because of a simple truth of the universe: Bad things happen to bad people.

You may have never heard the name Vijaya Gadde, but she was the Twitter executive responsible for their “Trust & Safety” policies. Among other things, Gadde was directly involved in the January 2021 decision to ban President Trump from Twitter, and she was among the first people that Elon Musk fired when he took over the company. Of course, she was guaranteed a “golden parachute” severance payment, and denies that she was a sinister force for censorship, but she can take her ill-gotten gains and wicked reputation somewhere else — a university professorship, perhaps — where there is no requirement that she act honestly or ethically. Vijaya Gadde is an evil person, who enforced a wicked policy, and fucking me over is perhaps not the worst thing she did, but I’d like to imagine that banning me (or, at least, approving the decision to ban me) was ultimately the first blunder that set her on her way to catastrophe.



2 Responses to “Is It #FreeStacy Time Yet?”

  1. The Twitter dust up proves.... - The DaleyGator
    October 31st, 2022 @ 9:45 am

    […] Oh, wait, one more thing. We need to all insist that it is #FreeStacy time! […]

  2. News of the Week (October 30th, 2022) | The Political Hat
    November 3rd, 2022 @ 7:02 am

    […] Is It #FreeStacy Time Yet? More than six years have passed since my @rsmccain account was permanently banned from Twitter, informed that I had been “found to be violating … our rules around participating in targeted abuse,” although they never did tell me (a) who had been “targeted,” (b) how they were “abused,” or (c) how I had been “participating” in this alleged abuse. […]

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