The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 11.18.22

Posted on | November 19, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

EBL: Wargaming A Red Chinese Invasion of Taiwan
Twitchy: Elon Musk’s “Picture Of The Day” Mocks Democrat Investigative Priorities, also, Journalist Calls Elon Musk’s Purchase Of Twitter “An Act Of War”, Everybody Laughs
Louder With Crowder: It’s finally happened – Elon Musk has REINSTATED the Babylon Bee’s Twitter account
Vox Popoli: An Easy Decision, They Think They Don’t Like it NOW, Yes, the Deck is Stacked, and The Hero of Free Speech
According To Hoyt: Ain’t Gonna Work Today, ThERe iS ABsoLuTeLY nO fRAud!, and Beyond the Red Rage Horizon
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E19: Third Person Narrative

American Conservative: The Elon Musk Freakout
American Greatness: I Cannot Vote for Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker, Biden’s EPA Holds Up Major Oil Refinery Despite Looming Fuel Crisis, and Lauren Boebert’s Democrat Opponent Concedes in Tight Colorado House Race
American Power: Twitter Workers Say Farewell After Musk Ultimatum Over Terms of Employment Passes, also, Another Post-Election Surprise!
American Thinker: Election Fraud 2.0! O.K., So What Are You Gonna Do About It?, How the Game is Fixed, and Madame Secretary, Your Woke Policies are Killing the Army
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five America Suffering Friday
Babalu Blog: Donations of flour allow Catholic nuns in Cuba to bake Communion hosts once again, Former U.S. congressman Joe Garcia lies while promoting business partnerships with Cuban dictatorship, Cuba’s new ‘entrepreneurs’, and On day 23,348 of the ‘Revolution,’ Cubans scramble to scoop up broken eggs from roadway
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for November 18, 2022
Behind The Black: SpaceX cancels launch after reviewing static fire test data, 1st suborbital launch by Indian private company, Boeing announces major reorganization, and Pushback – Court orders school board to stop censoring and banning parents
Cafe Hayek: Generosity Is Admirable, But It’s Wasteful When Poorly Aimed, also, DeMuth Stumbles
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Reality Doesn’t Care What Twitter Employees Think
Don Surber: Khashoggi’s death was an outrage until we needed oil, also, It is the painting they protest, not the oil
First Street Journal: They all looked scared, Do the Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer have no mirrors in their homes?, and Let ’em Loose Larry wants to lock up police officers
Gates Of Vienna: Father of Saman Abbas Arrested in Pakistan, Truckers’ Strike in Brazil?, and Do-Over in Berlin
The Geller Report: Arizona GOP Gubernatorial Favorite Kari Lake REFUSES TO CONCEDE, Hires Lawyers to Contest Result
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Dense Cloud, and Raaaaacism!
Hollywood In Toto: ‘Spirited’ Can’t Escape ‘Elf’s’ Shadow, Bruce Springsteen Kisses Blue-Collar Brand Goodbye, and CNN’s Licht Embraces Fake News, Denies ‘Gutfeld!’s Late Night Supremacy
The Lid: School Board Gets Conservative Majority, Fires Woke Superintendent, Bans Critical Race Theory, also, White House Attempts to Shame GOP Over Coming Hunter Biden Probe
Legal Insurrection: Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel for DOJ Trump Investigations, Northeastern U. School of Law Brags That it’s the ‘Queerest Law School in the Nation’, Survey Finds Majority of College Students Know Little About Thanksgiving, and NBC News Paints ‘Moms for Liberty’ as Racist After a SC School Board Fired Its Black Superintendent
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: ESPN Deletes Tweet Implying US Men’s National Team Isn’t Good Enough, Blacklisted Basketball Player Enes Kanter Freedom Wins ‘Most Valuable Patriot’ Award, Rob Manfred & MLB, Making Over $1 Billion On Sports Betting, Not Budging On Pete Rose Ban, Qatar Bans Beer Sales At World Cup Stadiums, Reversing Course At The Final Hour Before Tournament Begins, and Auburn In Contact With Dabo Swinney’s Reps?
Power Line: Nancy, We Knew Ye Too Damn Well, Thoughts from the ammo line, and The Daily Chart – Silicon Valley’s Political Leanings
Protein Wisdom Reborn: Brave New Whirled
Shark Tank: Florida Marks 30th Straight Month Of Job Growth In October
Shot In The Dark: Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, #Unexpectedly, and Whatever Happened To Monkeypox?
STUMP: Read the News with Meep: On Suicide Trends by Race (and Sex) in 2021 (and Earlier)
The Political Hat: Election Aftermath — A Snapshot Of Politics In Flux
This Ain’t Hell: Planes unable to fly, VA suicide prevention efforts need more focus on gun safety training, Reduction of US defense stockpiles in support of Ukraine, Valor Friday, and What’s the Deel? Follow-up
Transterrestrial Musings: The Corporate Media Jihad, Gen Z, and Freedom
Victory Girls: Jan 6 Committee’s Last Desperate Gamble, also, Chuck Schumer Hates Americans
Volokh Conspiracy: A Pivotal Pick for the Ohio Supreme Court
Watts Up With That: Climate Summit Boasts Opulent Beef, Seafood Menu Despite Spearheading Anti-Meat Initiatives, also, Celebrating War as Climate Win Makes Red True Color of “Greens”
Weasel Zippers:Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) Claims Slavery Reparations Would Have Stopped Covid From Spreading, Texas Sends Another Busload Of Illegal Immigrants To Kamala Harris’ Home In DC, and Biden’s Frequent Delaware Trips Have Cost Taxpayers At Least $11 Million
The Federalist: Buckle Up For Lame-Duck Congressional Democrats’ Holiday Spending Spree, Why Is The Government Arming More Federal Bureaucrats Than US Marines?, Therapist: Yes, Post-Abortive Women Suffer From ‘Trauma’ and ‘Complicated Grief’, Georgia Democrats Cry ‘Voter Suppression’ Over A Law That Will Restrict Ballot Harvesting Plans, and How Joe Biden Used Taxpayer Money To Buy Young Voters In The 2022 Midterms
Mark Steyn: The Presumption of Guilt, Reckoning Upon a Dervish, and Live Around the Planet: Friday November 18th

Early Black Friday Deals
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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 11.18.22”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup - Pirate's Cove » Pirate's Cove
    November 20th, 2022 @ 12:34 pm

    […] The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And In The Mailbox. […]
