The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.13.22

Posted on | December 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.13.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Today’s illo is based on the manga Useless Ponko, which hasn’t officially been released in the U.S. but fan translations exist online. It’s a cute story about a widower whose kids are concerned about him – so they buy him a housekeeping robot. Unfortunately, Ponko is a nearly obsolescent model (and not very good at her job), but old Yoshioka becomes fond of her.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

It’s just one of those days.

EBL: Biden’s Nuclear Waste Puppy Sam Brinton Got Fired, The Bad Guy, and Elon Musk takes on Nasty, Corrupt, Leftist John Brennan
Twitchy: Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) Pwns Trans Activist Over “Extremist Rhetoric” On Twitter, also, John Hayward Delves Into The Left’s Escalating Campaign To Undermine Parents At Kids’ Expense
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk tweets bunny emoji, sends woke scientist down rabbit hole of conspiracies, also, Disgraced CNN producer pleads guilty to despicable child sex crime
Vox Popoli: James Delingpole Catches Up, The Failure of Binary, Joel Osteen Preaches Satanic Magick, and They Call Him “Teacher”

American Conservative: America’s Roving Goals for Ukraine, also, The Prophet of Brexit: An Interview with Maurice Glasman
American Greatness: Historic Christopher Columbus Statue in Philadelphia to be Uncovered for First Time in Two Years, DeSantis 2024 Is a Trap, and Now What?
American Thinker: The United States of Fascist America, also, Controlling the Department of Justice
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Fusion News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s state-run telecom runs out of paper, unable to send out bills, New denunciation made against Cuba’s slave doctor program at the UN and the International Criminal Court, and Peru to Mexico: It’s none of your business
BattleSwarm: Dispatches From The War Against Child Genital Mutilation, also, Dear National Review: El Paso Is Not A “Town”
Behind The Black: Ariane 5 successfully launches three satellites, InSight still going, but barely, Another space station company, ThinkOrbital, enters the competition, and Today’s blacklisted Americans: Archaeologists go underground to practice their research
Cafe Hayek: Inclusion?
CDR Salamander: No, the Military Dragged Itself in to Politics
Chicago Boyz: Another One Bites the Dust
Da Tech Guy: This Explains a Lot about Pre-Musk Twitter, Report from Louisiana: Shreveport finally gets a Republican mayor!, A Simple Guide to Identify What’s Biblical (or traditional) in The Chosen and What Isn’t, and Shining light on Penn State’s foibles
Don Surber: NYT’s Big Lie About a Rape, Musk is the safe Trump, and Canadians wait 7 times longer than Americans to see a doctor
First Street Journal: Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna:  Time to Dissolve the People, Will This World Cup Never End?, Paris is Burning, and Movin’ Out
The Geller Report: Democrat Mega Donor Ponzi-Crook Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested Before He Could Testify Today
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, NGC 6530 and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Bill Maher Schools Biologist Richard Dawkins on COVID Basics, also, Why Smile Made a Small Fortune from Horror Nation
The Lid: Did Biden’s Removal Of 251 Million Barrels Of Oil From The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Impact Prices At All?
Legal Insurrection: Inflation: CPI Rose 0.1% in November, Prices Increased 7.1% Over Last 12 Months, BlackRock’s ESG Policies Push Arizona to Divest Funds From the Investment Firm, New York City Looking for ‘Badass’ Rat Czar, But Why? Democrat Mega-Donor Crypto King Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested In Bahamas Preventing His Congressional Testimony, and Millions of Americans Mistakenly Told They Were Approved for Student Debt Forgiveness
Nebraska Energy Observer: Christianity, Free Speech, and Founding Principles, also, Have you heard?
Outkick: Mississippi State Football Coach Mike Leach Passes Away At 61, Former Wisconsin, UCF Football Player Dies Of Cardiac Arrest While Jogging Aged 25, J.J. Watt Calls Out Chipotle – Make Your Burritos Big Again, Mississippi State Will Play In Bowl Game After Passing Of Mike Leach, and The NBA Has Made It Official: Michael Jordan Is Better Than LeBron James
Power Line: Our border is gone, Support For Trump Collapsing, and Another Crash at the Intersectionality
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz All But Blames DeSantis For Florida’s 83,000 COVID Deaths
Shot In The Dark: In Which I Pummel, also, Return On Investment
STUMP: Public pension watch: Illinois TRS deeper in the hole, other funds to follow
The Political Hat: 12 Posts of Christmas, 2022 (Day 1)
This Ain’t Hell: Pentagon fails audit. For the fifth straight time., Retired Lieutenant General predicts Crimea liberation by August 2023, and S B-F Jailed, Charges Pending
Transterrestrial Musings: The Issue Is Settled, Twitter, New MH370 Findings, and “Your House Is Glass”
Victory Girls: Elon Musk and the Bunny Emoji That Triggered QAnon Terror
Volokh Conspiracy: “Plain Text”
Watts Up With That: “THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOOD FOR ENRON STOCK!!” (Enron’s Kyoto memo turns 25), also, Polar bear habitat update
Weasel Zippers: CNN: GOP Opposes Griner Prisoner Swap Because She’s a “Black Lesbian”, WH National Security Advisor: Biden’s Border Policies Doing An “Effective Job”, Incoming House Democrat Vice Chair Ted Lieu: “Irrelevant” If Twitter Was Suppressing Speech, and NY Times Declares John Fetterman One Of The “Most Stylish” People Of 2022
The Federalist: Leftists Can’t Quit Twitter., American Girl Exploits Adolescent Awkwardness To Suggest Being A Girl Isn’t Good Enough, Did Elon Musk Spend $44 Billion To Say The Truth About His Son?, and Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal – FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election
Mark Steyn: Looking the Other Way, A Lesson from Luke, and Strikes and Snow Days

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