The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gone To The Dogs

Posted on | December 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

10/10, would borf again

O, the shame. O, the embarrassment. While compiling the last book post, I inadvertently omitted The Best Tweets From Actuary Problem Dog, originally recommended by In The Mailbox’s Favorite Actuary, Mary Pat (“Meep”) Campbell. While this may seem to be an extremely niche joke book, a lot of what Actuary Problem Dog is tweeting about will be immediately familiar to not only actuaries, but accountants, tax professionals, randos using Excel, and just plain socially awkward folks. Highly recommended.

Speaking of socially awkward folks, Komi Can’t Communicate is up to volume 22, but since that’s still in the shipping pipeline (Amazon claims they delivered it, but it’s not in my mailbox) we’ll talk about Volume 21, wherein Komi’s class goes to New York on a trip and Komi reunites with her friend Rei Natsukido, who’s acquired an uncommunicative American friend of her own. I’m really happy with this manga, since it’s slowly evolving from a high-school slice of life series (with some seriously weird characters) into a romance between the main character and her first friend, the “completely average” Tadano Hitohito. 

Spy x Family also continues to progress in interesting ways, as the Forger family gets a dog – but not just any dog, a dog that’s been subjected to experiments and can now see the future. This immediately becomes an issue when Bond (the dog) shows Anya a future in which Loid dies in a terrorist bomb attack, and she rides to the rescue with Bond. Having solved that issue, we then get an amusing pair of issues in which Yor’s brother Yuri (an agent of Ostanian State Security) visits and is very suspicious of his sister’s husband – and then Loid’s protégé Nightfall drops by to assist with the mission, while futilely attempting to break up Yor and Loid’s marriage because she doesn’t think Yor is good enough for her old teacher. People are already pairing Yuri and Nightfall  for the sole reason that neither one of them wants the Forgers to remain a couple, though for entirely different reasons. Highly amusing. 

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One Response to “Gone To The Dogs”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: Christmas Eve Edition : The Other McCain
    December 25th, 2022 @ 1:49 am

    […] Gone To The Dogs EBL […]
