The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.12.23

Posted on | January 13, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.12.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Today, the Windows 98 sisters and their pocky box mechas.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The Win98 girls: the original on the right, SE on the left.

357 Magnum: A Day In The Life
EBL:  Top Secret Brandon
Twitchy: Adam Schiff Attempt To Drag GOP With Laundry List Of Lies Goes Badly Wrong, also, Occasional Cortex Responds To The Gas Stove Kerfluffle & The Fact That She Owns One
Louder With Crowder: Couple attempts to rob a gas station with a gun, gets foiled by customers who had three guns, TikTok influencer takes swing at Las Vegas bouncers, discovers they don’t care he’s a TikTok influencer, and Expert witness testifies Canadian shop teacher with gargantuan fake boobs is, in ‘fact,’ a woman
Vox Popoli: Diversity Enhances Paris, The Review Police, Human Sacrifice on the Horizon, and No, Harry, No!

American Conservative: Cardinal Pell: Vatican Is ‘Lawless’
American Greatness: 2023 Golden Globes Reports Abysmal Ratings, What Caused the Political Hysteria?, and Biden Whispers Into Mic That He Will Veto GOP Bill Rescinding IRS Funds For 87,000 New Agents
American Thinker: I’m Not Qualified, also, Do We Need a Department of Transportation?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Living on the Moon News
Babalu Blog: Miami Cuban radio icon Ninoska Perez Castellon leaves Radio Mambí after its purchase by leftist activists, Nicaraguan dictatorship to put Catholic bishop on trial for ‘conspiracy’, Inflation rate above 40% in 2022 sinks more Cuban families into poverty, and We remember Rush Limbaugh (1951 — 2021)
Baldilocks: From Faith To Faith – Watching The Wicked Prosper
BattleSwarm: Texas To Run Another Big-Ass Budget Surplus
Behind The Black: Saudi Arabia withdraws from Moon Treaty, American camera snaps picture of shadowed floor of Shackleton crater, Russia and Europe negotiating return of rockets and satellites, First exoplanet confirmed by Webb, and The modern American blacklist culture is wide and deep, and will require a lot of dredging to clear
Cafe Hayek: Jerry Z. Muller on Jacob Soll on Adam Smith
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Chicago Boyz: And So It Begins
Da Tech Guy: Quick Reality Reminders Under the Fedora, also, An un-elective despotism is exactly the government we have now
Dana Loesch: Biden On The Economy & Classified Docs – “They Were By My Corvette”, also, The Classified Document Story Breaking Now Comes Off As Blie On Blue Oppo
Don Surber: No one wants to be Cheneyed, also, Media begins squirming over Biden
Gates Of Vienna: Thailand in Trouble
The Geller Report: Lisa Marie Presley Dies Suddenly at 54, also, Biden Aides Find SECOND SECRET BATCH of Classified Documents at Separate Location – HIS GARAGE
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Digging Out Hidden Black Holes, and In Re False Sensitive Content Warnings on Twitter
Hollywood In Toto: Adam Carolla: Rob Reiner Is a Useful Idiot, also, Late Night Runs Cover for Biden’s Classified Docs…What Now?
The Lid: The FBI Used the CIA and the NSA to Spy on Americans
Legal Insurrection: Student Mob at Canada’s McGill U. Shuts Down Gay Professor’s Talk About Taking the ‘T’ Out of LGBT, More Than Half of House Democrats Vote With Republicans to Ban Biden From Selling Oil Reserves to China, Frustrated Joy Behar – “Just As We’re This Close To Getting” Trump, “Somehow” the Biden Classified Docs Appear, Eric Swalwell Throws Tantrum After Deservedly Being Kicked off Intelligence Committee, and #Twitterfiles Part 14 – “Russiagate scandal was built on the craven dishonesty of politicians and reporters”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Right off the bat
Outkick: Troy Aikman Bashes NFL Quality Of Play: ‘Is This Professional Football?’, Dan Le Batard Is Outraged Over Dana White Slapping His Wife But Employs Wife-Choker Howard Bryant, Stetson Bennett Returns To Day Job At Raising Cane’s After Dismantling TCU, Nick Saban Ranked Alabama Comically High In Final Coaches Poll Ballot, and Joe Burrow Isn’t Afraid To Be Arrogant: ‘You Can’t Go Out There Scared’
Power Line: The Biden docs, round 2, Thought for the Day: Paul Johnson (RIP), on Modern Times, and Talk about Gaslighting!
Shark Tank: Rep. Brian Mast Introduces Vaccine Reenlistment Act
Shot In The Dark: Body Count, Jeff Beck, and Certiorari 
The Political Hat: Woke Schools: Denying Merit; Anti-Racist Math; Queer Question Time
This Ain’t Hell: Art history prof Mohammed firing update, Scratching his wife’s fleas, Army’s got an idea to fix recruiting problems. More ribbons!, ‘Uncle Frank’ Biden – FOIA Results, and Guided Missile Destroyer to be Named for Hero
Transterrestrial Musings: Saudi Arabia And The Moon, also, Stanford
Victory Girls: Lori Lightfoot Wanted Chicago Teachers to Get Students to Campaign for Her
Volokh Conspiracy: Sixth Circuit Upholds Injunction Against Biden Administration COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors
Watts Up With That: Eco Numpties Unhappy with Charging Costs, “Rare Earths,” Electrification Mandates, and Energy Security (Part I), and New Harvard Study Proves Exxon Scientists Far Superior at Predicting Climate than the IPCC or James Hansen
Weasel Zippers: Over 200 Democrats Vote Against Condemning Attacks On Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers, Football Injuries Now Racist, Biden Bizarrely Brags About “Food Inflation”, and Hakeem Jeffries: Rescinding 87K IRS Agents, Holding ChiCom’s Accountable Is “Extreme”
The Federalist: How A Public Library Used Third-Party Allies And ‘Listening Sessions’ To Dismiss Flak Over Pornographic Kids’ Books, Latest Biden Document Cache Makes Yesterday’s Media Excuses Look Even Dumber, Thanks To Radical Environmentalists, Not Even A ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Can Fix California’s Drought, and Colorado Democrats Plot To Snatch Refund Checks From Taxpayers After Taking Credit For Them
Mark Steyn: Off to the Re-Education Gulag

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