The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Violence Against Women Update: Some Cases Are Just So … Unpredictable

Posted on | March 23, 2023 | 1 Comment

Say hello to 40-year-old Robert Castillo, a Minnesota resident who we might guess, based on the prominent tattoo on his neck, is a member of the notorious Latin Kings gang. You might be surprised (but probably not) to learn that in 2001, “Castillo was charged with first-degree assault for stabbing a 22-year-old man in his back, head and neck in Vadnais Heights. Castillo accused the man of telling his girlfriend he’d brought another woman to their apartment complex, according to a criminal complaint.” Gosh, whoever could have guessed that such a fine-looking fellow as Robert Castillo might have a criminal record?

As you recover from your sense of astonishment, brace yourself for the revelation that Castillo’s sister told police that he “had a thing about carrying a knife all the time to protect himself.” You may ask, protect himself from whom? Well, it turns out the police were looking for Castillo — I’m sure this is shocking news to you — because “he had an active Department of Corrections warrant for alleged violations of conditions of his release.” This had nothing to do with the 2001 stabbing incident, however, but rather because he had “received a 10-year sentence” for a 2014 incident in which he assaulted a woman with a hammer.

So let’s add up the clues here:

  1. 2001 stabbing a man;
  2. 2014 attacking a woman with a hammer;
  3. Warrant for his arrest on probation violation;
  4. Carried a knife all the time “to protect himself”
  5. Latin Kings tattoo on his neck.

Keep your heart medication handy, folks, because you might go into cardiac arrest when I tell you that Robert Castillo had been arrested again, and is this time charged with murder after he stabbed his girlfriend 20 times during a Bible study at his sister’s home:

Castillo’s sister, who lives at the residence, told police they host Bible study at the home every Tuesday night and Woodhull and Castillo came over for it. They “were acting normally” and Castillo held Woodhull’s hand and kissed her, the complaint said.
They’d been at the home for about 90 minutes before the stabbing and Castillo’s brother also said he hadn’t seen “signs of hostility.” When he returned from the bathroom, he saw Castillo standing over Woodhull with a knife in his hand.
Castillo’s sister said she saw Castillo stab Woodhull with a hunting knife with a 6-inch blade. . . .
While police were taking Castillo to jail Tuesday, he asked an officer, “Is she going to be OK?,” according to the complaint. . . .
When police told Castillo that Woodhull died, he said, “No, she didn’t,” and shook his head in disbelief.

We’re all shaking our heads in disbelief. Who could have predicted that this guy was capable of stabbing a woman to death?

Feminists, who love to lecture us about “violence against women,” have said nothing about this case, for some reason.




One Response to “Violence Against Women Update: Some Cases Are Just So … Unpredictable”

  1. Man Johnny Dep is looking really bad these days - The DaleyGator
    March 23rd, 2023 @ 6:42 pm

    […] Via The Other McCain, and no, this story is not really about Johnny Dep. […]
