The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.10.23

Posted on | April 11, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Your Car Is Spying On You – Well, If It’s A Tesla, It Is
EBL: Easter Sunday, Mount Tambora and the Year Without Summer, and Prayers for Police Officer Nickolas Wilt
Twitchy: Swalwell Takes A Swing At Jim Jordan On Crime & Accidentally KOs Democrats, Hot Take – TX Gov. Abbott Endorses Murder Of Black People, and  Megan Rapinoe Signs Petition Against Protecting Women’s’ Sports
Louder With Crowder: It all makes sense when you hear “declining” Bud Light’s woke VP attack customers as “fratty and out of touch”, LA will celebrate Easter with *checks notes* a drag march protesting laws that ban mutilating children, and Crowder & Alex Jones Explain Why New Super Mario Bros. Movie DIDN’T Bomb This Weekend
Vox Popoli: Who’s Isolating Whom?, Amazon Doubles Down Again, The SDL Replies, and Jesus Christ Is Risen
Stoic Observations: Wouldn’t You Pay To Watch Walter Cronkite?

Adam Piggott: Holy Saturday
American Conservative: War Without Conditions, also, Where Is the Manifesto?
American Greatness: TX Governor Promises to ‘Swiftly’ Pardon Army Sergeant Convicted of Killing BLM Rioter, Walter Reed Issues Cease and Desist Order to Priests and Friars Preventing Them From Providing Religious Services During Holy Week, and Fiddling America Away
American Power: Matt Taibbi to Use Substack Notes, We Are In a Jacobin Revolution of the Sort That in 1793-94 Nearly Destroyed France, and No One Has Done More Damage
American Thinker: To Rightly Grasp the Resurrection, One Must First Understand Sin, A Hiccup in the Prosecution of the J6 Defendants, Alvin Bragg Has Opened Pandora’s Box, and Is It Time to Panic Yet Over the State of America?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship offers seafood, coffee, and other foodstuffs to Belarus that are severely scarce in Cuba, Irish politicians launch effort to bring Cuban slave doctors to the Emerald Isle, Cuban dictatorship seems oblivious to the REAL consequences of London court’s ruling, and 14,000 ‘humanitarian parole’ Cubans have entered U.S. in past 3 months, while thousands of arriving rafters are deported
BattleSwarm: An In-Depth Look At The RPG-7, also, Russia Running Out Of Soldiers And Shells?
Behind The Black: Report recommends Congress allow full regulation of commercial human spaceflight, Exploring the cratered southern highlands of Mars part 4, The Earth hangs above the Moon, and Pushback: Catholic college moves to end its need for any federal funding
Cafe Hayek: Boudreaux and Irwin on the Repeal of the Corn Laws
CDR Salamander: How Many Cruisers Did The PRC Build In The Time…,
Da Tech Guy: A classified duh, 35 Years Ago Today Plus Tips 34 (Errands Together) and 35 (Let them Sleep) on how to stay Married 35 years, and If the Choice is between Motivating the Left and Saving Kids or De-Motivating them and Letting Kids Get Slaughtered I’ll take the former Every Time
Dana Loesch: Monday Grind – Neil DeGrasse Tyson & The Problem Of Groupthink
Don Surber: Welcome To Your Nightmare, Democrats,
First Street Journal: You will drive an electric car, and you will like it!, also, Oh, look! Helen Gym Flaherty is getting much of her financial support from people with no connection to Philadelphia!
Gates Of Vienna: No Christianity Allowed!, Abduction of Children From Sweden Video #5, The Tomb is Empty, and Éric Zemmour: France is First of All a Soul
The Geller Report: ELECTION INTERFERENCE? ABC Blurs Out “Text Trump” Banner During Speech To Curb Fundraising, Biden Invites Expelled Tennessee Insurrection Democrats to the White House, and After Meeting With China President XI, French President Macron Urges Europe To Turn Away From America
Hogewash: A Runaway Black Hole, A New Ride, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and Blue Straggler Stars
Hollywood In Toto: Why Air Speaks Volumes About Nike’s Kaepernick, Mulvaney Deals, Banshees McDonagh Blasts ‘Dangerous’ Woke Censors, and Megyn Kelly on MeToo’s Collapse: ‘We’re Back to Where We Started’
Legal Insurrection: The King’s College Struggling to Raise Funds to Stay Open for Another Year, University of Chicago Activists Seek One Billion in Reparations, Rebekah Jones’ Son Arrested Over Alleged School Threats, She Claims Gov. DeSantis ‘Kidnapped’ Him, Bud Light/Budweiser Boycott Growing After Designating Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney Brand Ambassador, CUNY Has a Serious Anti-Semitism Problem, and Democrats’ Forever War On Justice Clarence Thomas Ramps Up
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, also, He Is Risen!
Outkick: Riley Gaines To Tucker Carlson After San Francisco State Campus Attack: ‘This Will Not Silence Me’, Masters Fans Rail Against ESPN, Others For Ignoring Phil Mickelson, 5 Dallas Maverick Players Sat In Critical Game And The Team Was Then Eliminated From The Playoffs, Indy’s Brady Ware Hits For Cycle, Throws No-No In Same Game, Golf Influencer Grace Charis Copies Paige Spiranac’s Topless Green Jacket Masters Look, and Charles Barkley Unleashes On PGA On Masters Weekend
Power Line: Germans Have Given Up On “Green” Energy, Biden Having Difficulty Making the Trans Run on Time, Can the Democrats’ Structural Advantages Be Overcome?, and What Do Voters Make of the Trump Indictment?
Shark Tank: State Rep Barnaby Compares Troons To “Demons & Imps”
Shot In The Dark: Acceptable Losses, also, Clear Priorities
The Political Hat: Education In England: Stripping Naked In Front Of Kids
This Ain’t Hell: DoD role-playing captures…Delta pilot, Racism dog whistle blown, Classified U.S. military documents leaked, Russia is suspected, Putin Supporter Hacked, and Rumble Case Video
Transterrestrial Musings: Dylan Mulvaney, Fedora Upgrade Issue, Restoring The Norms, and Our Need For A Miracle
Victory Girls: Veterans Furious Over Kirby Presser On Afghanistan, also, Bud Light VP Wants “Inclusivity” In Marketing
Volokh Conspiracy: Two (Wrong) Mifepristone Court Rulings in One Day, also, Law School Free Speech, Wokeness, and “The Etiquette of Equality”
Watts Up With That: How Climate Reductionism is Itself Causing Bad Science, Biden’s Gift to the Climate Movement – A Deep Economic Recession?, and UCLA’s Daniel Swain and NPR’s David Romero Collude to Flood Our minds with a River of Climate Fear Mongering!
Weasel Zippers: Joe Rogan Slams “F*cking Crazy” Articles About “Misgendering” Nashville Shooter, Occasional Cortex Tries To Explain How “The Courts” Work – Failure Ensues, and Kamala Harris Ignores Nashville Victims’ Families During Recent Trip
The Federalist: From John Wayne To John Wick, American Cinema Loves The Noble Outlaw, ND Republicans Must Override Gov. Burgum’s Veto Of Ranked-Choice Voting Ban, Election Integrity Group Says, Congress Wouldn’t Be So Dysfunctional If Democrats Read Their Own Bills Before Passing Them, Perry Verdict Shows Urgency To Confront Blue City Prosecutors, and Biden Is Still Covering Up His Deadly Afghan Withdrawal
Mark Steyn: Kill the Wabbit: What’s Opera, Doc?, Looney Tunes and Ask Me Anything, Tal Bachman – Reflections at Easter and Passover, and Coronation Showdown

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 04.10.23”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup - Pirate's Cove » Pirate's Cove
    April 16th, 2023 @ 10:02 am

    […] The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And In The Mailbox. […]
