The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.15.23

Posted on | May 16, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.15.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Tomorrow and Thursday are travel days, Wednesday I’ll be at the National Security Site most of the day, and Friday looks to be busy as well, so blogging may be sporadic.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What If You Called 911 And Noone Came To Help?
EBL: Support Daniel Penny, also, Vintage Beer Ads
Twitchy: DeSantis’ Press Secretary Conducts Masterclass In Trolling Drive-By Media, WaPo/NYT 2018 Pulitzers Aging Like Milk In The Summer Sun, and Salon Claims Situation In Florida Clearly A Threat To Democracy
Louder With Crowder: A herd of “Karens” stampede out of comedy club after comedian’s hilarious Dylan Mulvaney joke, Megyn Kelly lays down challenge to Hollywood actress Charlize Theron – “Come F*** Me UP”, and Beverly Hills steakhouse degenerates into all-out brawl, and the screaming is hilarious
Vox Popoli: Not the Next Ukraine, Like the Lambada, Only Math, Corporate Cancer Code Red, and Elon Musk Lied to You
Gab News: A Dangerous Precedent For Free Speech
Stoic Observations: Fear Itself

American Conservative: Against a Dystopian Farm-Free Future, Mask-Wearers Are Poisoning Themselves, and The Ratcatcher
American Greatness: In Scathing Report, Durham Finds FBI Had No ‘Actual Evidence of Collusion’ to Justify Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, Time for Republicans to Confront January 6 Lead Prosecutor, and Supporters Raise $1.8M for Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund
American Power: The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America, Lisa Kennedy Montgomery on the Fall of MTV News, and Seattle Halts Mail Delivery to Southside
American Thinker: 2024: The End of Elections — or of Election Fraud?, The Counterattack of Reason, and Trump Takes a Hammer to the Carefully Maintained Delusions Inside the Left-Wing Bubble
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Catholic priest Alberto Reyes: ‘The moment has come for all of us for a transition’, Cuban-American entrepreneur in cahoots with dictatorship begins exporting vehicles to Cuba, King Raul’s daughter and fake president’s wife lead gay pride conga line in Cuba, and Nothing to celebrate on Mother’s Day for the mothers of Cuba’s political prisoners
Baldilocks: Obsession, The Scattered (Part One), and The Scattered (Part Two)
BattleSwarm: How California Destroyed Its Middle Class, also, China’s Targeted Espionage Continues Apace
Behind The Black: Intuitive Machines’ first mission to land on Moon delayed, SpaceX launches another 56 Starlink satellites into orbit, Another study suggests Saturn’s rings are young, much younger than the planet, Stratolaunch’s giant airplane Roc successfully completes first drop test of payload, and Today’s blacklisted American: Father gets fired immediately after speaking at school board against queer agenda
Cafe Hayek: Beware of “Common Good Capitalism”, On Wartime and Postwar Prosperity, and Rather than Issue ‘Baby Bonds’
CDR Salamander: About That Commission On The Future Of The Navy
Chicago Boyz: Educational Credentialism Strikes Again
Da Tech Guy: The Three Questions I Would Like Answered by a Potential DeSantis Campaign, How about the military stay out of housing?, “Where’s the Fat People?”, and A “local” story that needs to go national: Chicago cop murdered because girlfriend of accused killer needed money for a barbecue
Dana Loesch: I Put The Basket In The Water And God Was Faithful As Always, also, The Durham Report Makes It Official
Don Surber: Highlights of the Week, The Polish Plumber For The Win,
First Street Journal: ‘Progressives’ against common sense and reality, also, What about the right to a speedy trial?
Gates Of Vienna: Everybody Gets to Stay, Culture-Enriching Rape in the Hospital at Nanterre, Saman’s Dad Gets to Stay in Pakistan, and Women Attacked, Violated, Disempowered, and Silenced Under Sharia
The Geller Report: The Threat Behind Biden’s Latest Lie About the ‘White Supremacist Terror Threat’, Court Blocks Biden Admin Policy of Releasing Illegal Immigrants Into US Without Court Dates, and Fox News Sued for Defamation by Biden’s “Who Do I F*ck To Be Famous & Powerful” Former Disinformation Chief
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Black Holes 101, You Keep Using That Word, Pan and Zoom, and Some Unindicted Coconspirators React
Hollywood In Toto: Never Woke Enough: Emma Watson Grilled Over Brad Pitt Praise, TheWrap Plays Dumb on Death of Movie Comedies, Why Jamie Foxx’s Medical Mystery Matters, and Why Chappelle’s ‘Batman’ Crack Will Leave a Mark
The Lid: PRESSTITUTES: Twelve Biden Scandals The Media Refuses To Talk About
Legal Insurrection: University of Chicago Reportedly Not Honoring Committment to Viewpoint Diversity, DeSantis Defunds “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Bureaucracies in Florida Public Universities, Word “Family” Unacceptable To Radical San Francisco Berniecrats, a Right-Wing “Common Dog Whistle”, USDA Wants to Ban Chocolate Milk From Schools Due to Added Sugar, High School Students in Kansas City Want Teacher Fired for Criticizing DEI Policies and Preferred Pronouns, and University of Colorado Researchers Find ‘High-Potency Marijuana is Associated With Psychosis’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, The Ascension of Our Lord, and The Wrong Side of History
Outkick: Kwame Brown Destroys Ja Morant After Gun Incident, Calls Grizzlies Star ‘NBA Dumb Boy’, ESPN’s Mike Wilbon Bans Ja Morant Shoes For Son: ‘Our Money … Is Not Going Toward That’, Joel Embiid’s Questionable NBA MVP Win Over Nikola Jokic Looks Even Worse After 76ers Bounced From Playoffs, ABC/ESPN Shows Barstool Founder Dave Portnoy During Celtics/Sixers Game 7, Twitter Goes Bonkers, Bryce Harper Snaps At Rockies Reliever, Leading to Bench-Clearing Spat, and Nebraska Pole Vaulter Jess Gardner Goes Viral For Third Nipple
Power Line: Displaced by illegals, Heap Big Trouble For Fauxcahontas?, Planned Parenthood vs. The Supreme Court, and Durham Report Rips FBI
Shark Tank: DeSantis – GOP Has Developed “Culture Of Losing”
Shot In The Dark: A Couple Of Bucks In The Proverbial Tip Jar, Leave No Man Behind, and Politics In Minneapolis
STUMP: Video: U.S. Mortality Trends 2020-2022 part 7: Other Physiological Causes of Death
The Political Hat: All Your Electricity Are Belong To California
This Ain’t Hell: Homeless veterans booted from hotels in advance of illegal aliens in New York, That time when the US Military destroyed Russian Wagner Mercenaries in Syria, Steven Spainhouer, Dallas mall witness and Army vet, and I’m here all week- tip the Vending Machines!
Transterrestrial Musings: Nuclear Fusion, The Anglosphere, An Indefensible Federal Gun Law, and Emergent Properties Of AI
Victory Girls: Poll Gets Hidden When Trans Activists Don’t Like The Answers, Auschwitz and Ice Cream Don’t Mix, and Rick Perry For President – Eye Rolls All Around
Volokh Conspiracy: A Flawed Attack on “Libertarian Elitism” About Voter Ignorance
Watts Up With That: Archbishop Blames Climate Change For Illegal Immigrants, Roald Amundsen tried and failed to tame a polar bear cub in 1920, Lomborg: ‘Organic agriculture’ could optimistically support 4.7 billion people – ‘Industrial agriculture’ could optimistically support 12 billion – Current global population is 8 billion, and Ferrari Rejects Green Pressure to Phase Out Internal Combustion Engines
Weasel Zippers: Biden At Howard University Says “Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat To Our Homeland Is White Supremacy”, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Says It’s “Sad” When Governors Take Action On Border Security, and Biden Retreats To Delaware Beach Home For Weekend As Border Crisis Rages
The Federalist: BOMBSHELL: Obama Admin Had No ‘Actual Evidence’ Of Collusion By Trump When It Launched Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, Mass Murderers’ Motives Matter To The Media Except When They Target Christians, The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News, Corporate Russia-Collusion Hoaxers Dismiss Bombshell Durham Report Exposing Media Disinformation Campaign, Senate Republicans Demand Biden Forfeit Info Over His Attempt To Federally Interfere In U.S. Elections, and 10 Years Later, Would Gosnell’s ‘House Of Horrors’ Be The Norm In Post-Roe America?
Mark Steyn: You Don’t Own Me – Burt Lancaster and Ossie Davis in The Scalphunters, Tal Bachman – Two Centuries of Rugby, and Steyn vs Ofcom – It’s on!

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