The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.19.23 (Punditocracy Edition)

Posted on | May 19, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.19.23 (Punditocracy Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines for the usual weekend posts; will most likely have time for these after a couple grueling days of travel. For that matter, since time is tight today, this is a condensed version of the usual linkagery.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“But no mean tweets!”

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #2082
357 Magnum: How ESG Scores Have Put Anheuser-Busch In A Box,
EBL: Durham and Democrat Corruption, Biden’s Former Non-Binary Atomic Boy Sam Brinton Arrested Again, Pete Buttigieg loves his Electric Mustang, and Fire Shifty Schiff
Twitchy: Point & Laugh With Us At Adam Kinzinger & Others Triggered by Black Guy With Gun, Sleepy Joe’s Deficit Reduction Brag Hits Community Notes Iceberg & Sinks, and Richard Grenell Straight Up Ends Eric Swalwell For Calling Him”Neo-Nazi”
Louder With Crowder: Bud Light’s news desperate attempt to win back customers? Rip off pro-America competitor Yuengling, Johnny Depp gets 7-minute standing ovation for movie comeback, then rips into Hollywood and the media, and NYPD calls bullplop that Harry and Meghan almost got Princess Diana’d by paparazzi in New York City
Vox Popoli: Even, I Can’t, A Tale of Two Conans, Clown World Incoherence, Death of a Patriot, and Even Christians Boom
According To Hoyt: Kith And Kin, also, All is Kittens
Monster Hunter Nation: Swag Shop Opening Q2 2023
Stoic Observations: A Letter To Gabriel Reyes,
Gab News: The Most Abused Verse In The Bible,

Adam Piggott: Take your traditionalism and stick it where the sun don’t shine, Fr Ripperger attacks Sedevacantists, and Greasy Pole #28 – The AI episode
American Conservative: Soros Wins Big in Pittsburgh, also, The Trans Mind-Virus Is Mutating
American Greatness: ‘Bad Guys Have Begun Running Parts of the Government’: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before House Weaponization Committee
American Power: Civil War at CNN as “Journalist” Christina Amanapour Attacks CEO Chris Licht for Daring to ‘Platform’ the Front-Runner for the Republican Nomination for President — My Conclusion: Licht is a Dead Man Walking
American Thinker: The Cataclysm to Come
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News, Animal’s Daily Lying Liars That Lie News, and Rule Five Ninth Annual Commencement Speech Friday
Babalu Blog: ‘Your paradise, my prison’, Hungry and elderly pro-Castro dictatorship Cuban who collapsed on the street has died, Cuba’s Prime Minister blames ‘private’ farming cooperatives for severe food crisis, and Cuban dictatorship rolls out red carpet for Russian investors
BattleSwarm: Followup: Austin Homeless Industrial Complex Graft Scheme Thwarted (For Once), also, Texas 88th Legislative Session: Tracking and Anti-Tracking
Behind The Black: Starship prototype #25 is rolled to launchpad for static fire engine tests, ULA’s first Vulcan rocket returns to assembly building after fueling tests, Today’s blacklisted American: 12-year-old sent home from school twice for understanding the 1st amendment better than his teachers, and Pushback: Arizona drops trespassing charges against student for handing out the Constitution at Arizona State U
Cafe Hayek: The Super Market
CDR Salamander: EU’s Pacific Balk, If Public Opinion Isn’t Stopping Europe, and Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: When Midwesterners Collide—A Challenge to Bill Quick
Da Tech Guy: Sowing Meet Reaping Under the Fedora, It’s “Tell me a Dem in a Red State is up for Re-Election without Telling me” or It’s “Token Vote” Time, and Joe Biden is planning on running the entire US economy with nothing but unicorn farts and pixie dust
Don Surber: The Left’s Spin On Durham, Beating The Woke, and Ukraine Took Our Eye Off The Threat
First Street Journal: A major loss for ‘progressives’?, also, Killadelphia: The city is losing population, and not just to murder!
The Geller Report: “The FBI Will Crush You. This Government Will Crush You and Your Family”
Glenn Reynolds: Reflections On A Death, And Life On The Final Frontier
Hogewash: Nothing to See Here. Move Along, When Woke Backfires, The Middle Star in the Sword, All Your Kids Are Belong To Us, and Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: Is This Why Cancel Culture Is (Finally) Coming for Howard Stern?
The Lid: Durham Report Exposes The REAL ‘Threat To Democracy’, also, Jerusalem Day: Muslim And Christian Scripture Agree: The Temple Mount Is JEWISH Holy Site
Nebraska Energy Observer: SYTTENDE MAI! and a few other things, also, When it all
Power Line: Joe Biden, apostle of love, Julio goes for the Gold(man), and Thoughts from the ammo line
Protein Wisdom Reborn: Intention & Its Privilege, also, Truth & Consequences
The Political Hat: A Contrast In The Treatment Of Farmers: Texas vs. The Netherlands, also, Killing In The Name Of Welfare: Killing The Poor; Killing The Homeless; Killing The Mentally Ill
This Ain’t Hell: More retiree fun, Valor Friday, Reservist Returns to Find Squatter in Her Home, and Indiana Army veteran convicted of murder, despite partially blaming PTSD
Transterrestrial Musings: Mark Hopkins, “Causal” Speech, and It’s A Big Universe
Victory Girls: George Santos Dodges a Bullet in the House, FBI Intimidation Against Pro-Life Activists, Again, and Political Imprisonment Of Dianne Feinstein
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep. Cori Bush Introduces Resolution Demanding $14 Trillion In Reparations, Biden Says It’s “Disappointing” Republicans Won’t Discuss Raising Taxes On The American People, Former AOC Aide Now Leader of The New York Communist Party, and WZ QUARTERLY DONATION DRIVE
Mark Steyn: Nothing Is Certain But Debt and Durham, also, Darkness and Light

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