The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.07.23 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | June 7, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.07.23 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Bud Light Kerfluffle – Month Three
EBL: 6 June 1944: D-Day Invasion of Normandy, France
Twitchy: Florida Historian Claims Casey DeSantis’ Gator Jacket Is Racist, also, Antifa No Match For Pissed-Off Parents In Deep Blue Cali Fighting School Board’s Queer Agenda
Louder With Crowder: Anonymous Lia Thomas teammate from “What is a Woman” goes public with stunning new details, also, Target gets smacked with another downgrade as new details of their political agenda reveal it’s not just about “pride”
Vox Popoli: It’s Afraid, Showtime, The Rape Factories, and Omitting the Obvious

Adam Piggott: The Sodomites aren’t alone in sins against Procreation
American Conservative: The Great Carbon Capture Scam
American Greatness: J6 Defendant on Ray Epps: ‘They Are Protecting Him Like Crazy’, also, Congresswoman: FBI ‘Afraid’ Informant Could be Killed over Information He has on Biden Family
American Thinker: It’s Not Reparations Being Demanded; It’s Something Quite Different, also, D-Day, History, and Memory
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Cocaine Hippo News
Babalu Blog: Reports from Cuba: Three dissidents who called a press conference arrested in Cuba, Economic engagement with Cuba takes precedence over human rights for EU High Representative, and Cuban Prime Minister Marrero in Moscow to speed up Russian takeover of Cuba
Behind The Black: Russia to launch Luna-25 on August 11, 2023, NASA: Psyche asteroid mission now targeting October ’23 launch, Tianzhou unmanned freighter completes month-long free flight, re-docks with Tiangong-3, and The explanation as to why Democrats today are fearless in proposing insane policies
CDR Salamander: Dambusting On The Dnipro
Chicago Boyz: From Sacrificing FOR Freedom to Choosing the Sacrifice OF Freedom
Da Tech Guy: This deadly day in history, also, Under the Fedora: Felton on D-Day+79, Haiti the future of Chicago et/al, Loomer finds spare time, Stacy on coked up Elementary principal and Dallas answers Pride flag questions.
Dana Loesch: They Don’t Make Them Like This Anymore, also, RFK Jr. Isn’t Exactly A Political Ally
Don Surber: Be The Fascist They Say You Are
First Street Journal: Killadelphia: Inquirer columnist Helen Ubiñas begins with the truth, but then has to tell a huge lie to fit the newspaper’s requirements
Gates Of Vienna: Flying in the Culture-Enrichers, also, Passports For Deviants in the EU
The Geller Report: “Human Rights” Campaign Declares a National State of Emergency for LGBTQ+ People, Target Funding Woke Group That Wants Mount Rushmore Shut Down, and Norway Bans Child Sex Mutilations (Gender-Affirming Surgery), joins Finland, Sweden, and UK in Rejecting Gender Ideology
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Simulation: A Disc Galaxy Forms, Extra Deep, and I’m So Old
Hollywood In Toto: The Best Shows of 2023 (So Far), Flamin’ Hot Burns with Humor, Heart and a Dubious Narrative, Civilization in the Danger Zone Offers Bleak Peek at America’s Future, and What Is a Woman? Director Shares Film’s Biggest Strength
The Lid: Biden Corrupts U.S. Marines with Radical, Racist DEI Training Instead of Military Tactics
Legal Insurrection: Ukraine Dam Damaged, Towns and Villages Already Underwater, Human Rights Campaign Declares State of Emergency Over Treatment of LGBT Community, University of Buffalo Sued for Revoking Recognition of Young Americans for Freedom, Former Harvard Prof Cornel West Running For President, May Pose Spoiler Threat To Democrats, and DOD Cancels On-Base Drag Shows – Leftist Outrage Noticeably Missing
Nebraska Energy Observer: Robert Woodson
Outkick: ‘One Of Saddest Days In History of Professional Golf’, TCU Fans Rally To Support Indiana State, Special Olympics After NCAA Super Regional Site Switch, Donald Trump Perfectly Predicted PGA Tour-LIV Golf Merger, Olivia Dunne Does The Splits In A Fashion That Would Hospitalize Most People, and Clay Travis: LIV-PGA Merger Is Monster Win For Golfers Who Left Tour, Bad Loss For Saudi-Obsessed Media
Power Line: CNN ratings update, San Francisco’s ‘Doom Loop’ Has Accelerated, and Angels of Omaha
Shark Tank: DeSantis Deployment of Florida LE & Military To Texas Border Is Paying Off
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – This Is Today’s MNDFL, Discretion, and Mojo Nixon Nailed It
STUMP: STUMP Orientation: Death, Taxes, DataViz and Sumo!
The Political Hat: Fighting Mandatory DEI Support in California
This Ain’t Hell: Tuesday – Asked and Answered, also, Milley Receives France’s Highest End-of-Tour Medal
Transterrestrial Musings: Light Posting
Victory Girls: New CDC Choice Is Big Fan Of Mandates And Lockdowns
Volokh Conspiracy: An Un-Bearable Fourth Amendment/Property Rights Case
Watts Up With That: Coal: The Missing Link, also, NOAA proposes massively cruel offshore sonar survey
Weasel Zippers: Hakeem Jeffries Can’t Stop Gushing Over Biden, A Confused Biden Gets Handed Kansas City Chiefs Jersey, Immediately Asks, “What Am I Doing?”, FBI Refuses To Hand Over Biden Bribery Docs To House Oversight Committee, and WH “Not Gonna Comment” On Questions If Biden Will Make It Through Another Full Term
The Federalist: Abortion Facility Closes In Indiana As AG Pursues Abortionists’ Medical Licenses, Disney Proves DeSantis’ Point By Going After Military Guests, The Air Force Is Using Taxpayer Money To Fly Service Members To Branch ‘Pride’ Events, Splitting The China-Russia Axis Starts With A Negotiated Settlement In Ukraine, and Biden’s Declining Mental Acuity Is A Big Welcome Mat To Red China’s Aggression
Mark Steyn: Steyn Sues the UK Censor Ofcom

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