The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.26.23

Posted on | September 26, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.26.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

How it’s going. 
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Last week in Canada…

357 Magnum: Should You Believe Bob Iger?
EBL: Roger Whittaker, RIP, Silo, The Continental, Communists vs. Fascists, and The Covenant
Twitchy: Isn’t This Interesting?  Harry SmollettSisson’s Terrible Bomb Threat Story Gets Even Worse, and Bidenomics Blunder – Poll Shows GOP Has 21-point Edge On Economy
Louder With Crowder: Black mayor says American cities NEED Republican leadership, so he’s becoming one, This TikToker Is Making Big Boobs Great Again, and Travis Kelce sells out, not with Taylor Swift, but by cutting this Pfizer ad for Big Pharma
Vox Popoli: Officially a Thing, Eyes On Always, Should We Cancel Chuck Dixon, Tilting at Windmills, and The History Subscription
Draw & Talk: Comic Drama Births New Creative Outlet
Stoic Observations: The Post-Negro Citizen

Adam Piggott: The Communist Plot behind The Voice
American Conservative: Yes, Social Media Censorship Is a First Amendment Issue
American Greatness: Is the Left Happy That They Got Their Wish? Biden Regime Gives Christian Family That Fled Germany 15 Years Ago Four Weeks to ‘Self-Deport’, and We Know Exactly What ‘De-Development’ Means
American Thinker: They Want You Dead, Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers in Our Eyes, and Pull Back the Curtain on False Federal Narratives
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Reports from Cuba: No more compulsory military service in Cuba! Reports from Cuba: Abandoned for decades, Cuban sugar mill will be converted into ‘tourist complex’, Cubans keep pouring into U.S. through Mexico, up to 184,643 so far this year, and While Cubans suffer food shortages, Castro dictatorship holds a gourmet food festival
BattleSwarm: Ken Paxton On The Forces Behind His Impeachment, Berkeley Retail Shutting Down Just Like San Francisco, and Who Had “Rick Perry, Psychedelic Warrior” on Their 2023 Bingo Card?
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches 22 Starlink satellites, flying its second booster for a 17th time, OSIRIS-REx Sample from Bennu successfully recovered, Almost all of Mars’ geological mysteries in one spot, SpaceX launches 21 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg, and Pushback: Pennsylvania HS students stage walk-out protesting rule allowing boys inside girls’ bathrooms
Cafe Hayek: Responding to Robert Lighthizer
CDR Salamander: SLCM-N? Hard Pass
Chicago Boyz: Revealing
Da Tech Guy: The Less than 1% solution, I’m tired of polishing turds in the Navy, If Then Else Again on AB 957, Droogs’ paradise: Rough first week for the “Purge Law” in Illinois, and Shock Revelation, Men Don’t Buy the Cow When the Milk is Free and other things my parents & grandparents knew
Don Surber: Journalists adopt lefty language
First Street Journal: The failure of big city public schools, Today’s American left really, really hate our individual rights!, and Killadelphia: Turn on, tune in, get dead!
Gates Of Vienna: Here We Go Again, “Non-European Mass Immigration is a Scourge”, The ECJ Says: Let Them All In, and Bloodbath Averted at the Bahnhof
The Geller Report: Staten Islanders Arrested After Peacefully Protesting Buses Carrying Illegal Migrants Being Moved to Residential School, BIDEN: “I’ve directed my team to make a HISTORIC INCREASE in the number of refugees”, Soros Funds Purchase of 22 Papers in Maine, and Cancers Appearing in ‘Ways Never Seen Before’ After Covid Shots, Top Expert Warns
Hogewash: Autumn Begins, Getting Ready for Sunday, Later Today, and Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: No One Will Save You Crumbles at Worst Possible Time, Howard Stern Banned Adam Carolla for Craziest Reason, Conservatives Can’t Fight Culture Wars Without Doing THIS First, and Free the People Pummels Apple Over Woke Eco Video
The Lid: Illegals From Venezuela Plant Venezuelan Flag on American Soil – Biden Grants 470,000 Work Visas
Legal Insurrection: Administrators Nearly Outnumber Undergrads at Stanford University, FBI Accused of Stealing or Losing Seized Property, Including Cash and Gold Coins Worth Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars, Boston University Launches ‘Inquiry’ Into Ibram Kendi’s Collapsing ‘Anti-Racist’ Think Tank for Possible Mismanagement of Funds, Democratic El Paso Mayor: City at ‘Breaking Point,’ Sends Migrants to Sanctuary Cities, New Mural at UC-Santa Cruz Says ‘Stop Calling Police, Keep Cops Off Campus’, California OK’s Plan to Allow Insurance Companies to Use “Climate Crisis” to Inflate Rates, and Catholic Student Group at U. Minnesota Medical School in Duluth Called ‘Controversial’ for Opposing ‘Gender Affirming Care’ for Minors
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, and The fall of the Republic?
Outkick: Colorado Players Stomp On Oregon Logo After Calling Out Nebraska For Same Thing, Midnight Comes For Deion, Colorado As Oregon Demolishes Buffaloes’ Cinderella Start In Epic Beatdown, Cleveland Guardians Minority Owner Thinks Fans Have Grown To Like Team’s Name, Insane: Ohio State Defeats Notre Dame On 1-yard Run In Final Seconds, Ryan Day Immediately Calls-Out Lou Holtz, Mike Greenberg Says ‘Dumpster Fire’ Bears Are ‘Ruining’ Justin Fields, Taylor Swift Filmed…..Picking Up Trash After Chiefs Game?, and Oktoberfest Waitress Goes Viral For Carrying 13 Beers Weighing A Total Of 65 Pounds
Power Line: Why Won’t Biden Close the Border? No Need to Swim the Rio Grande, POLITIQUEROS? and Kamala’s Latest Whopper
Shark Tank: Franklin Introduces Resolution To Keep USDA From Cutting Off School Lunch Money
Shot In The Dark: Darn Those Authoritarian Republicans, also, Some Questions Are Impossible To Answer
The Political Hat: Nevada GOP Establishment (GOPe) To Most Nevada GOP Voters: Your Voice Shouldn’t Count
This Ain’t Hell: Veterans denied honorable discharges, due to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ to have their case reviewed, South Korean police officers raid U.S. Army bases, From the Jungles of Vietnam to the Rubble of 9/11 – Man’s Story is Inconsistent, Gotta love it, Suicide hotline botched veteran’s cry for help, Air Force veteran as Miss September 2024 for Pin-Ups for Vets calendar, and Veterans Affairs training video promotes abortion
Transterrestrial Musings: DIE, Spirits Of The Age, Why Our Generals Can’t Think, Costco, and The CLuster B Society
Victory Girls: Menendez: Everyone Is Racist, Now And Forever And The Deletion Of History, and Canada House Speaker Rota Says He Did Nazi That Coming
Volokh Conspiracy: Court Refuses to Dismiss Lawsuit Stemming from Parent’s Speech About COVID Policies
Watts Up With That: British PM Announces Net Zero Retreat as King Charles Visits France, Desperate governors beg for offshore wind cost relief, “A Cleverly Staged Hoax”, The Global War on Farming: ‘Net Zero and the American beef industry cannot coexist’, and Values Of Used EVs Plummet, As Dealers Stuck With Unsold Cars
The Federalist: Lawsuit Over Sex-Trafficked Teen Could Stop Schools From Hiding Kids’ Dysphoria, UK Study Finds Puberty Blockers Exacerbated Mental Anguish For Trans-Identified Teens, Polls Show Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indicting Political Opponents Has Backfired Horrifically, Washington Funds Ukraine Forever War While Our Own Soldiers’ Barracks Rot, Judge In Fulton County Trump Case Reveals How Dangerous This Prosecution Is To Our Country, and Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation To A Literal Nazi While Zelensky Pumps His Fist In Solidarity
Mark Steyn: Behind Enemy Lines: One of Our Aircraft is Missing, Taking the Chief, and Surrendering Christendom

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