The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.22.24 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | February 22, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.22.24 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Keep it closed. Seriously. We’re not kidding.

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: Do You Expect The System To Protect You? Don’t. 
EBL: Thomas Sowell and Black History Month: White Lefties and Black Mascots
Twitchy: What’s Missing From Colorado Democrats’ Plans To Reduce Violent Crime? Bro – You’re Drunk. Go Home, and Elon Musk Rips Trudeau, Google Gemini, & The Woke Movement In One Perfect Tweet
Louder With Crowder: Shark Tank star explains how horrible Trump “fraud” decision is slow enough for even CNN to understand, also, Red Cross Makes Shocking Revelation To Crowder’s Undercover Unit
Vox Popoli: Who are the Nazis Now? also, SF Freaks Gonna Freak
Flappr: On National Divorce
L’Ombre de L’Olivier: Judge Talks, Money Walks How Many Gun Owners Are There In America?

American Conservative: The U.S. Should Get Out of the Israel-Palestine Game
American Greatness: Family Sets Up GoFundMe For Suspect Who Allegedly Started Shootout at KC Super Bowl Parade, also, Putin Killed Navalny But Biden is Killing America
American Thinker: Maps Tell the Story
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Russia’s Sergei Lavrov hops to Venezuela from Cuba to strike deals on oil, gas, & nuclear energy, Cuban dictatorship sends its only black oligarch to Africa to investigate deaths of two slave doctors, and Russia’s Foreign Minister proclaims Cuba ‘our most important ally in Latin America and the Caribbean’
BattleSwarm: Texas State House Republican Primary Candidates, also, Chinese Border Invasion In Progress?
Behind The Black: Firefly says software caused failure of upper stage in December, ISRO approves upper stage engine of largest rocket for Gaganyaan manned mission, Space Perspective unveils test balloon capsule for unmanned test flights, Curiosity’s view of Gale Crater from its new heights on Mount Sharp, and Why the public continues to lose faith in the medical community
Cafe Hayek: Unjust Propagandizing for “Just Societies”
CDR Salamander: BZ To SecAF
Da Tech Guy: Ends and Means Joe Biden Edition
Dana Loesch: New York Isn’t Interested In Justice
Don Surber: Women in power abuse it
First Street Journal: This is how newspapers can once again grow and thrive
Gates Of Vienna: Targeting Jews in Belgium, Tomio Okamura on the Right to National Self-Determination, Queer Eye for the Mozart Guy, More on the Eritrean Ructions in the Hague, and The Curious Case of the Chinese-Hungarian Law Enforcement Summit
The Geller Report: Hamas didn’t just gang-rape, they forced the families to watch
Hollywood In Toto: Substack Goes Hollywood with Coddling Documentary, Reformers Hails Punk Academics Who Exposed Social Justice Rot, New Civil War Trailer Reveals No New Clues, But…, and Heartbreaking Ordinary Angels Upends Faith-Based Rulebook
The Lid: Joe Biden’s Disastrous Economy Sends Food Prices, Credit Card Debt Soaring to Highest Rates in Decades
Legal Insurrection: Blue States & Cities Using COVID Funds to Support Illegal Immigrants, ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Says for Most Students, College is ‘a Complete Waste of Time’, Elon Musk Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Championing Free Speech, Jewish Prof Speaking at San Jose State Needs Police Protection From Violent Anti-Israel Mob, and Report: Embattled UPenn Law Prof. Amy Wax Appealing Hearing Board Sanctions Quietly Recommended Over The Summer
Nebraska Energy Observer: Farmer, Soldier, Truck Driver, Snowflake
Outkick: Arizona State’s Kenny Dillingham Says If You Can’t Keep Up In Coaching, ‘Then Quit’, Brewers Owner Trades Corbin Burnes Over Money, Says They’re Still Trying To Win, Shannon Sharpe Shares Braindead Take On Marriage And The NBA, EXCLUSIVE: Police Won’t Bring Charges In Attack Against Riley Gaines At SFSU, UConn’s Dan Hurley Shocked By Creighton Court Storming After No. 1 Upset: Where’s The Arrogance? and Jonathan Papelbon Eviscerates Angels’ Anthony Rendon: ‘He’s A Cancer To The Team’
Power Line: The Daily Chart: Meat-Eaters
Shark Tank: Alabama’s IVF Restrictions Strike Fear Into Florida Democrats
Shot In The Dark: Everything’s Fine, Initially, and The Problem
The Political Hat: Towards Genetically Engineered Catgirls – Artificial Wombs, A.I. Transistors, Biocomputer Brains
This Ain’t Hell: UK Navy fallen on hard times, also, Navy Veteran charged with grand theft and misrepresenting military service and uniforms to deceive to obtain money
Victory Girls: Biden: I Canceled Your Student Loan Debt Early, Vote For ME!!!
Volokh Conspiracy: Minnesota Parental Opt-Out Statute
Watts Up With That: Battery Energy Storage Systems, also, Climate Scientists are Pairing with Comedians to Communicate with the Public
The Federalist: Dark Money Group Peddles Viral Disinformation To Frame GOP Senate Candidate As Clueless Elite, Toxic Bosses Like United Airlines’ Vaccine-Pushing CEO Must Be Held Accountable, Court Says D.C. Must Fork Over Data About ‘Deceased’ People On Voter Rolls From Leftist-Linked ‘Maintenance’ Group, 11 Months After Nashville Christian School Attack, Police Are Still Hiding Trans Shooter’s Manifesto, People Abandoned Disney Over Terrible Storytelling, Not Primarily Politics, and Congress Is Too Busy Bankrolling Ukraine To Stop The VA From Processing Illegals’ Health Care Costs
Mark Steyn: A Presidential Medley Part One, A Presidential Medley Part Two, Parks…and Recreation, and Continental Drift

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