The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.22.24

Posted on | April 23, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.22.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: “Just Call 911,” They Say
EBL: Julie and Dick in Covent Garden
Twitchy: The Lost Jedi – People React To Mark Hamill’s Claim That Joe Biden Is The Best President Ever, UCLA Med School’s DEI Chief Caught Plagiarizing, and “Biden’s Newest Handler” – Earth Day Brings Slow Joe And Occasional Cortex Together
Louder With Crowder: “Undocumented” Cornell Professor Throws Temper Tantrum At Ann Coulter Event And Gets Herself Arrested, also, Trans middle schooler beats female student to a bloody pulp and this brave girl wants to know why the school did NOTHING
Vox Popoli: Another Horseman in Hell, Why Warhammer Survived So Long, The Empire’s Economic Death Spiral, Waterloo Need Not Have Been Fought, and Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy
L’Ombre de L’Olivier: LLM Considered Harmful
Upstream Reviews: Superversive Spotlight – Henry Vogel,
Postcards From Barsoom: The Great Canadian Darkness, also, Devil-Worshipping Aliens From Dimension X

American Conservative: What’s Next After the Ukraine Mistake? also, The Generals’ Trump Brief Actually Makes a Compelling Case
American Greatness: Biden Weaponizes the Federal Government for His Own Reelection Campaign, Florida Congresswoman to Propose Bill Banning the Display of Foreign Flags in Congress, Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices, and Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End?
American Power: Peachy Keenan, Domestic Extremist (and a bunch of other worthwhile books)
American Thinker: President Trump Did Not Incite the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore, Voices For a Return to God, and What Won’t the Swamp Do to Stop Trump?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Public transportation in Cuba drops by nearly 20% while tourist transportation spikes up over 60%, The reason the Cuban people are starving, Tourist numbers in Cuba continue to decline in 2024 (except among Canadians) while half a million ‘diaspora’ Yo-Yos flock to the island, and Cuba purge update: Another provincial communist party first secretary gets sacked
Baldilocks: Strategic Assault 
BattleSwarm: Petition To Remove Soros-Backed Travis County DA Jose Garza Granted, Why Saudi Arabia’s Neom Is Doomed, and “Ghost Gun” Ban Headed To Supreme Court
Behind The Black: Slovenia signs Artemis Accords, Update on SpaceX’s preparations for the 4th test flight of Superheavy/Starship, Computer models suggest there is no life in Europa’s underground ocean, China launches “remote-sensing” satellite, Patchy arms in a nearby spiral galaxy, and On the left, certainty and violent passion; On the right, doubt and fearful timidity; This must change!
Cafe Hayek: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Council of Political Enablers”
CDR Salamander: Israel’s Measured Response
Chicago Boyz: Ukraine, and the World Outside US Borders
Da Tech Guy: Under the Fedora: Who Needs Norms Edition, Is this not the Perfect Metaphor for the Democrat Party, History awaits as Chicago White Sox might finish with worst MLB season ever, DaTechGuy’s 3rd Law of Media Outrage Memphis Edition, and Oh Canadian Teeth!
Dana Loesch: Last Week In Legal – The Storm Has Started, also, Yes, America Was Right To Drop The Atomic Bomb
Don Surber: Lawyer up, Republicans
First Street Journal: Crazy people are dangerous
Gates Of Vienna: Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected, Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon, and Daddy Warbucks is Doing Just Fine
The Geller Report: Democrats Move to Strip Trump of Secret Service Protection, HITLER YOUTH Rampage at Columbia University, Biden Regime To Announce Sanctions Against IDF Unit, and Jewish Yale Student Stabbed in Eye By Terrorist Student
Glenn Reynolds: In Which I Partake In A Cultural Moment
Hollywood In Toto: Beautiful Girls Couldn’t Be Made Today. Here’s Why, Bill Maher Agrees with DeSantis – Disney Grooms Children, Can Colbert Ignore ‘Genocide Joe’ Chants at DNC? and What Happened To World War II Movies?
The Lid: Socialism and Passover: The Holiday Of Freedom, Michigan Bishop Says Joe Biden a ‘Stupid’ Catholic, and Smithsonian, America’s Top Museum, Worried it Can’t Hold Drag Shows Any More
Legal Insurrection: Columbia Faculty for Justice in Palestine Announce Boycott of Commencement Until Demands Are Met, Harvard Suspends Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee for the Rest of Spring Term, Twenty-Five State Attorneys General Sue Biden EPA over Economy-Crushing Emissions Mandates, Dean of Students at Northwestern U. Attends Protest Targeting Campus Jewish Community Center, NYC Judge Rules Trump’s $175 Million Bond From Civil Trial Stands, Disease Caused by Rat Urine Surged in New York City to Record Levels during 2023, and IDF Intelligence Chief to Step Down Over Hamas Invasion Failures
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, Jubilate, and Decline and Fall
Outkick: Texas High School Baseball Game Takes 2 Days To Play, Finally Ends After 23 Innings, Caitlin Clark’s 8-Year Nike Deal Worth Up To $28 Million, Olivia Dunne Didn’t Compete At NCAA Championships, But She Is A National Champion, Kendrick Perkins, Michael Wilbon Slam Miami Heat Fans: ‘They’re Front-Runners’, Chinese Swimmers Test Positive For Banned Substance, Win Olympic Gold Anyway While WADA Looks Other Way, Former Colorado CB Cormani McClain Says He Wants To Play For A ‘Real Program,’ Not Just ‘For Clicks’, and Angel Reese Shares Simple Message About Protecting Women’s Sports
Power Line: The EV Bubble Bursts, And then the darkness fell, and Did Biden Revoke Title IX?
Shark Tank: “Democrats Have A Jewish Problem”
Shot In The Dark: The Kristallnacht Theme Park, Feature Not A Bug, and Call On Line 5 From The Dixie Chicks
STUMP: Five Decades Of Meep
This Ain’t Hell: News for Marines today, Illegal aliens moving into Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Michael Avenatti in contact with Donald Trump’s defense, Massie, Trump dissing troops, and Sailor Convicted of Attempted Espionage
Transterrestrial Musings: An American Education TImeline, Economists, Civil War, Lunar Elon, and A Propellantless Drive?
Victory Girls: Ilhan Omar Is Extremely Proud To Be Hateful, Hillary Clinton – Still Crazy After All These Years, and Biden Surrenders Niger Base, After Afghanistan Debacle
Volokh Conspiracy: House Passes REPO Act Giving President Authority to Confiscate Russian Government Assets in the US and Transfer them to Ukraine, also, Special Counsel Jack Smith Lacks Standing to Defend the D.C. Circuit’s ruling on Presidential Immunity in the Supreme Court
Watts Up With That: Electric car demand plunges across Europe, Smart meters could soon cost you a whole lot more, Major Setback for New York Renewable Energy Goals, China’s dangerous battery monopoly, and Climate Change Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled
The Federalist: SCOTUS Deliberates Over Homeless Camps And A Fictional ‘Right To Housing’, Ignoring Primaries Gives The GOP Establishment Permission To Be Awful, Here’s Just Some Of The Historical Evidence For The Biblical Exodus, We’re So Sorry, Uncle Bosie, Why West Virginia’s Secretary Of State Won’t Follow Biden’s ‘Illegal Directives’ Federalizing Elections, Opposition To Trump Is Rooted In Contempt For Ordinary Voters, and Is Biden’s IRS Meddling In The IG Investigation Of Hunter Biden Whistleblowers?
Mark Steyn: Island in the Sun: Pietro Germi’s Seduced and Abandoned, The Days of Wine and Roses, Happy Earth Day! and A Biden in Every Pot!

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