The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.23.24

Posted on | April 24, 2024 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

EBL: The Beekeeper, Happy Passover, The 2nd Amendment Does Not Exist in New York, and A Gentleman in Moscow
Twitchy: People Sound Off On Occasional Cortex’s Condemnation Of Cops Enforcing The Law Against Protesters, NASA Administrator Shows He Needs Remedial Astronomy Lessons, and Dollar General Employee Completely Indifferent To Customer Ranting About Being “Misgendered”
Louder With Crowder: “Why’d you kill that lady?” Alec Baldwin attacks pro-Hamas heckler, manages to look like the good guy in this video
Vox Popoli: The Failed Counterstrike, A Tale of Two Comics, Remember This, Diversity is Mediocrity, and Oh, No! Anyway
Stoic Observations: Requiem Unfinished
Gab: A Choice Between Creative Freedom And Machined Slavery

American Conservative: What $61 Billion for Ukraine Won’t Do
American Greatness: Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Complains About Lack of ‘Food Support’ and Shelter After Getting Suspended From Barnard Over Anti-Israel Protest, Biden Administration Giving $300 Million to Sanctuary Cities, Florida Congresswoman to Propose Bill Banning the Display of Foreign Flags in Congress, Dems Kill Mayorkas Impeachment Trial in the Senate, Dismiss Both Articles as ‘Unconstitutional’, and War By Affirmative Action?
American Thinker: Israel — An Unlikely Pariah in a Dangerous World
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Ice Breakup News
Babalu Blog: State Department human rights report on Cuba details extrajudicial killings, torture, increased repression, Why you should forego that apartheid vacation in communist Cuba, Reports from Cuba: The old relationship between rationing and totalitarianism, and Cuban dictatorship leaves equivalent of 3 Olympic pools of garbage uncollected in Havana every day
Baldilocks: A Few Changes, Coinages, also, On Payback
BattleSwarm: Texas Election Roundup For April 23
Behind The Black: Voyager-1 back online after software patch works, PLD Space announces its upcoming plans, Hubble celebrates 34 years in orbit with a new photo of the Little Dumbbell Nebula, Scientists think methane detections by Curiosity come from the salts in the local soil, and It is simple: Conservatives don’t have the votes
Cafe Hayek: Lina Khan Has Mastered Newspeak
CDR Salamander: The Boxer Is 2024 Navy’s Canary
Da Tech Guy: The Pennsylvania primary
Dana Loesch: Three Stupid Things
Don Surber: Tedious TDS Find New Target
First Street Journal: Sometimes you just have to be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] to do things right
Gates Of Vienna: German Muslims Long for Sharia, Money Has Its Favorites, and Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges
The Geller Report: Columbia University: Protestors Call Jews ‘Pigs’ As Qur’an Says, also, University of Michigan: ‘Freedom for Palestine Means Death to America’
Hollywood In Toto: Infested Will Get Under Your Skin, also, The 10 Best TV Shows of 2024 (So Far)
The Lid: Biden’s Pentagon Threatening Soldiers with Courts Martial for Using the Wrong ‘Pronouns’
Legal Insurrection: Judge Declares Mistrial for Rancher Accused of Killing Illegal Alien on His Property, “This is an openly anti-American movement, which is using Israel as the scapegoat”, U.S. Report Claims North Korea is Producing Pathogens for Germ Warfare Program, Columbia Students Demanding Refunds Due to Anti-Israel Protests, Classes Going Virtual, Anti-Israel Encampments: 133 NYU Students, Faculty Arrested and Columbia Goes Virtual for Remainder of Semester, and New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Pulls Financial Support From Columbia Over Antisemitic Protests
Nebraska Energy Observer: I’m so glad
Outkick: Jim Irsay Contradicts Police Report, Shuts Down Overdose Speculation After Being Found Unresponsive, Kelsey Plum, Darren Waller Are Getting A Divorce, Senate Investigation Uncovers Why Eventbrite Censored Riley Gaines, Brewers Pitcher Hospitalized After Taking Line Drive To The Neck, Dana White Savagely Trolls Media Haters, and How Much Longer Can Mike Trout Stay In Anaheim?
Power Line: Quotations from Chairman Joe, “I know I did something bad”, and A Prosecution In Search of a Crime
Shark Tank: U.S. Senate Candidate Accuses Democratic Party Of Racial Insensitivity
Shot In The Dark: The Babylon Bee Has Apparently Taken Over Democrat Messaging, also, Sen. Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury)
The Political Hat: Utah vs. Gaia (And Robots And Aliens)
This Ain’t Hell: The bad old Clinton days are back, Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel arrested for burglary, and Army Meeting Recruiting Goals; Not So Navy
Transterrestrial Musings: The Latest (Weird) Google Evil, Boeing And The Dark Age Of American Manufacturing, Socialism’s Survival, Jack Smith, and In Search Of Common Ground
Victory Girls: Terrorist Chic At Columbia University With Generation Z
Volokh Conspiracy: The Narrowest Ground for Deciding Trump v. United States
Watts Up With That: The War On Cars, Profits of Doom, and How Many Billions of People Would Die Under Net Zero?
The Federalist: Joe Biden Says There Are Very Fine People On Both Sides Of The Oct. 7 Debate, FBI Won’t Say If It’s Investigating Self-Declared ‘Hamas’ Terrorists Protesting At U.S. Universities, Prepare For A Slow, Spendy Baltimore Bridge Rebuild That Won’t Satisfy Anybody, 8 GOP States (And Counting) Ban Biden’s DOJ From ‘Intimidating’ Voters At 2024 Polls, Hillary Clinton And Russia Hoax Architect Warn Of GOP ‘Disinformation Campaigns’, To The Ivy League Palestine Supporters: Welcome To The ‘Eat Dirt’ Club, and Exclusive: Pennsylvania Lawmakers Appeal To Supreme Court In Case Challenging ‘Bidenbucks’
Mark Steyn: Strolling While Jewish

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 04.23.24”

  1. LinkSwarm For April 25, 2024 « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
    April 26th, 2024 @ 9:08 pm

    […] America doesn’t have enough dry docks to fight a protracted naval war. (Hat tip: The Other McCain.) […]