The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.25.24

Posted on | June 26, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.25.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: What Of You Called 911 And The System Wouldn’t Answer Your Call?
EBL: Mr. Custer
Twitchy: The Mar-A-Lago Security Cameras Were Turned Off During FBI Raid “For Agents’ Safety”, Squad Favorite Bowman Gets Crushed In NY Primary, and Sixteen Nobel Prize-Winning Economists Raise Alarms Over Trump’s Re-Election
Louder With Crowder: Relive South Park’s PROPHETIC take on trans athletes competing in girls’ sports, Oakland’s woke mayor gets raided by the FBI, naturally she is blaming “right-wing forces”, NYC awards trans prisoner $350K after claims of “discrimination” being housed with other male prisoners, and NCAA champion trans athlete now vowing to break ALL the records set by real girls
Vox Popoli: The Harsh Lessons of History, The Sack of London, The Left Can’t Meme, Diversity and Finance, Judgment, Not Blessing, and Subscribe, Scan, and Stockpile
Stoic Observations: The Mathematics Of Piling On Kendi
Postcards From Barsoom: The Prophet Of The 20th Century

Adam Piggott: “This post is for paid subscribers”, also, My Thoughts on Viganò
American Conservative: Rand Paul Was Right About Covid, Trump’s Income Tax Repeal Promises an American Revolution, and You Have No Idea How Soviet We Really Are
American Greatness: The Logic in All the Madness, Illegal Aliens Receiving Voter Registration Forms Ahead of November Election, Resolution Declaring J6 Committee Illegitimate Awaits Action, and Pistol Packing Pedagogues
American Thinker: The 10 Commandments Are about More than the 10 Commandments, also, Do Angels Still Walk among Us in a Modern, Messed Up World?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Changing Sides News
Babalu Blog: Leaked documents reveal FAA gave Cuban communist officials tours of U.S. airports, Cuba remains on the lowest tier in State Department’s human trafficking report, and ‘This has been horrific’: Cubans in Havana describe disastrous flood, lack of government response
Baldilocks: Accounting
BattleSwarm: Mexican Cartels & Underground Chinese Bankers Team Up, Grandpa BUFF Gets An Upgrade, and All California’s 2023 Job Gains Were Fake
Behind The Black: France’s CNES space agency begins work adapting commercial launchpad at French Guiana for specific startup rocket companies, Are Chang’e-6’s lunar samples on the way back to Earth? Firefly to launch from Wallops instead of Cape Canaveral, Scientists surprised by new Webb data of the upper layers of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, Airbus forced to write off almost a billion dollars, and More garbage science about wildfires and global warming from Nature magazine
Cafe Hayek: Jerry Jordan on Trade Deficits, The Horse Being Beaten Isn’t (Alas) Dead, Economic Ignorance Fertilizes All Sorts of Nonsense, and U.S. Productivity Growth Relative to France and Germany
CDR Salamander: Soviets? Us? The Ones Who Won The Cold War?
Chicago Boyz: Takin’ Care of Business
Da Tech Guy: Under the Fedora Reality edition, I Don’t Know Art But I Know What I Don’t Like, Say his name: Jai’mani Amir Rivera, The Hamas Gonculator Caucus, Trump is Counting on the CNN Moderators being Themselves, and Making farming better
Don Surber: AOC draws Biden-sized crowd
First Street Journal:  Bad causes attract bad people, also, The United Nations caves to the Taliban
Gates Of Vienna: Progressive Indignation is Baloney, When Rape and Torture Are Expressions of Cultural Values, The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 19, Roland Freisler’s Coronafascist Heirs, and A Teenybopper Gang Rape
The Geller Report: L.A. Democrat Mayor Told Police to “Stand Down” in Face of Pogrom by Hamas Terror Mob, also, The Biden Regime Has Fundamentally Changed the Country for Decades
Glenn Reynolds: Crime & Punishment In The 21st Century
Hollywood In Toto: She Rises Up Praises Hard Work Not Victimhood, Shyamalan’s Imperfect Village Doesn’t Deserve Your Hate, How Youth Without Youth Led Coppola to Megalopolis, Batman at 35 – Bleak, Brooding and Worth the ’80s Hype, and SHOCK: Corporate Press Ignores Huge Disney Story
The Lid: 46% of American Electric Vehicle Owners Regret Buying an EV
Legal Insurrection: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Reaches Agreement With DOJ to Avoid Prison in U.S., Anti-Israel Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses Democratic Primary, Democrats and the Media Have Spent Years Pushing Real ‘Cheap Fakes’, Biden’s Campaign Chair Admits Florida Is No Longer A Battleground State, Illegal Alien Accused of Raping, Murdering Houston Teenager Wore ICE Ankle Monitor During the Attack, and Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules Catholic Charter School Unconstitutional
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, Debate Week, and I don’t think
Outkick: Jim Schlossnagle Officially Hired By Texas Longhorns, Eighteen Hours After Pledging His Love For Texas A&M, Black Woman Claims JJ Redick Called Her The N-Word In College, 20 Years Ago With No Proof, You Might Not Like Them, But Tennessee Winning A National Championship Is Great For College Baseball’s Future, The Cubs Hired The Highest Paid Manager In MLB And Got Worse, Panthers Take Stanley Cup For A Swim, Waterboard A Guy With Beer, Magic Johnson Weighs In On Caitlin Clark/Angel Reese Rivalry, But Gets Basic Facts Wrong, and Caitlin Clark/Angel Reese Rematch Draws Historic TV Ratings
Power Line: Jammin’ with Jamaal, The paranoid style in academic politics, and Another Biden Fruitcake
Shark Tank: Castor Introduces Bill To Accelerate Care For Metastatic Breast Care Patients
Shot In The Dark: Pogrom, Open Letter To A Honest Future US/MN Attorney General, Punching Laterally-To-Down, We Live In An Age Of Miracles, and A Little Soggy
The Political Hat: The Othering Of America
This Ain’t Hell: Yes, she really said it, Stolen Valor, UK Police Edition, End of Elko’s Stolen Valor and Chili Cookoff Assn., Airmen applying for conscientious objector status over US support for Israel, Remember Iraq in 1990? Fundraising Drive Again Already??!! and What is the Military doing about foreign nationals infiltrating US military installations?
Transterrestrial Musings: “Cultural Safety”, The “Ecocide” Of Easter Island, Debate Advice For Trump, and SV Preference Cascade For Trump?
Victory Girls: WH Issues Reprehensible Statement About Rachel Morin And Jocelyn Nungaray, The Culture War We Are Poised to Lose, and Focused On Needs Of Nonbinary Service Members – Pentagon
Volokh Conspiracy: Two Federal Courts Rule Against Biden’s New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan on the Same Day
Watts Up With That: Exploding Batteries Spark Deadly S Korea Factory Fire, Queensland Petition Against Wind Farms in Protected Wilderness Regions, New York’s Energy Transition Guru Responds To Basic Questions, ESG and Stakeholder Capitalism: A Necessary Deconstruction, and Wash Post Editorial Board Denounces ‘De-Growth Communism’ – ‘Ending Growth Won’t Save the Planet’
The Federalist: Supreme Court Strikes A Blow Against Government’s Union Favoritism, Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange To Go Free After Striking Plea Deal With Biden DOJ, Read The False Flag Book Review Amazon Banned As ‘Hate Speech’ (Or Something), DoD Report Hides How Many Taxpayer Dollars It Sends To Chicom Labs, Trump Should Hit Biden For Completely Ignoring The Fentanyl Problem, 1,500 Illegal Immigrants From ISIS ‘Recruiting Ground’ Country Have Crossed The Border Since 2020, and 4 Policy Prescriptions For Turning Little Smartphone Zombies Into Happy, Healthy Kids
Mark Steyn: Steyn on the Sidewalk, Hot Topics: Telling the Truth in Chronicle of a Summer, Franz and Friend, Waxing and Wuthering, and Where Do You Go to, My Lovely?

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