The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When You’ve Lost Nate Silver …

What? A Democrat telling “obvious lies that nobody but the dumbest partisans will buy”? You mean it’s a day ending in “-y”? My friend Stephen Green is reveling in schadenfreude over Silver’s latest election forecast, which is developing a trendline in exactly one direction — from bad to worse for “Sundown Joe,” showing “Biden with […]

In The Mailbox: 07.02.24 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in June. Yesterday was the 161st anniversary of the most important cavalry action in American history. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: Concealed Carry In Chicago EBL: Biden Playing Golf, also, Snap Elections Did Not Work […]

In Defense of Cynicism

“The cynics aren’t always right. But that’s the way to bet,” Professor Glenn Reynolds says, in regard to a young journalist’s belated discovery that an infamous “hate crime” was not what he’d been told. There is an unfortunate shortage of Cynicism among the young nowadays. Their idealistic conceptions of “social justice” make them automatic suckers […]

A Substack About Nothing

Finally decided to try my hand at it: A few months ago there was a lot of noise about an alleged Nazi problem on Substack. Certainly it is not the case Substack is pro-Nazi, but they are anti-censorship, and this distinction was apparently impossible for some self-described “progressives” to comprehend: “Substack’s leaders … proudly disdain the content-moderation […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Cheesecake Armor & Other Delights

— compiled by Wombat-socho One of the longstanding arguments in fantasy tabletop roleplaying is the actual worth of chainmail bikinis. Are they actually useful in combat, or just there to provide eye candy? Perhaps the most famous example is the armor of Robert E. Howard’s sword-swinging heroine Red Sonja, which adorns hundreds of comic book […]