The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.06.24

Posted on | August 7, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.06.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I would like to think the defeat of Cori Bush is a sign that Reichskanzler Bismarck is still right about the U.S., and that God’s not ready to stick the enema hose in quite yet. Don’t @ me about this; I have to find my happiness where I can this election season.
Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

EBL: Caroline Marks of Team USA wins gold in surfing, Kamala Harris Dumps Josh Shapiro for Tim Walz, Kamala Harris: Stay Woke, and Kamala Harris’ Prosecutors Sent This Innocent Man to Prison
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American Power: Marybeth Hicks, Don’t Let the Kids Drink the Kool-Aid
American Thinker: The ‘Crime’ Harris Was Toughest on was Journalism, also, To Reach Non-Traditional Republican Voters, We Must Speak In Non-Traditional Ways
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Black Monday News
Babalu Blog: As Maduro intensifies repression, opposition leaders call on Venezuelan police and military to side with the people, Russia sends scientists to Cuba to ‘strengthen knowledge’ of Oropouche and Dengue epidemic, Gulp! Filthy ‘drinking water’ flows from taps in Santiago de Cuba, and Nicaraguan Ortega-Murillo dictatorship arrests more Catholic priests
BattleSwarm: Waltzes With Wokeness
CDR Salamander: Another Carrier Enters The Indo-Pacific
Da Tech Guy: Oakland, Gaza and Southport, all self inflicted
Dana Loesch: Meet Tim Walz
Don Surber: Obama finally reveals his agenda
First Street Journal: Dead man walking: Hamas declares Yahya Sinwar as their new political leader
Gates Of Vienna: Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 15, Targeting Anne Frank, 34 Culture-Enriching Crimes, Bacha Bazi Comes to Trieste, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, A Culture-Enriching Family Business, and Vehicular Jihad in Cologne
The Geller Report: Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin says IF TRUMP WINS Democrats will disqualify him on January 6th, 2025, Calls for Civil War
Hollywood In Toto: Box Office Winners & Losers of Summer 2024, Anchorman Star Pummeled for Comics for Kamala Fundraiser, The Kamala Harris Sketch You’d Never See Today, and Will Late Night Apologize for Sharing Cassidy Hutchinson’s Hoax?
The Lid: More than a Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Thanks to Failed Biden-Harris Economy
Legal Insurrection: Penn State Trustee Suing School to Gain Access to $5 Billion Endowment Records, Anti-Israel Squad Member Rep. Cori Bush Loses Her Primary, Anti-Israel Student Protesters Preparing to Start Again in the Fall, ‘Traitor’: Guardsman Lashes Out at Walz Again Over Leaving Before Iraq Deployment, Harris-Walz Reactions: ‘He Let BLM Rioters’ Burn Minnesota and She ‘Encouraged Donations’ to Bail Out Those Arrested, Court Allows Antisemitism Case Against Harvard to Proceed, and Van Jones: Harris Appeases ‘Anti-Jewish’ Democrats by Picking Walz
Nebraska Energy Observer: It should come as no surprise
Outkick: Silver Medalist Claims Athletes Have Found Worms In Their Food At Olympic Village, Rips Plant-Based Items, Pitbull Stadium Is Now The Home Of FIU Football Thanks To Historic Deal With ‘Mr. 305’ Himself, Charles Barkley Is Reportedly Not Retiring From Television, Just As Everyone Paying Attention Was Predicting, Serena Williams Shamed By X Community Note, Clarifying Her Story About Bad Treatment At Hotel, Team USA Basketball’s LeBron James Required Stitches After Taking Elbow to the Face Against Brazil, Chicago White Sox Are On Verge Of Wrong Kind Of History, and Olympic Pole Vaulter With Big Penis Gets Big Offer From Adult Site
Power Line: Justice Gorsuch on the Administrative State, The Daily Chart: Food Maps, and It’s Walz!
Shark Tank: GOP Legislators Blast Administration After 99 Terrorists Reportedly Enter Country
Shot In The Dark: Pouncing On Gov. Klink, also, De-Origin Story
STUMP: Chicago Is My Kind Of Town To Beat Up On -2015 Edition, also, Taxing Tuesday
The Political Hat: The True Nature Of The Uniparty: Grift
This Ain’t Hell: Veterans’ service dog provider accused of SV, Kam’s VEEP, Assistant DA, who worked on child endangerment cases, busted in pedophile sting, and Five Tim Waltz controversies
Transterrestrial Musings: An Ongoing Foreign-Policy DIsaster, Joe Rogan Goes Live On Netflix, Kamala Harris And The Masque Of Magical Thinking, Safe Is Not An Option, and On The Plane again
Victory Girls: Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn
Volokh Conspiracy: Lawsuit Over Alleged Discriminatory Refusal to Let Church Lease School Property on Weekends Can Go Forward
Watts Up With That: Grauniad Frets “Climate Deniers” make up Nearly a Quarter of US Congress, New EPA Rules Could Dangerously Close Baseload Power Plants, and Is the Future of Nuclear Power in the Wilds of Wyoming?
The Federalist: Cowardly Josh Shapiro Was Right About The Palestinians, The Same Media Who Call Lizzo ‘Healthy’ And Vance ‘Weird’ Are Calling Tim Walz ‘All-American’, No Surprise, David French Completely Botches J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings, More States Reject College Board’s Politicized Dual-Credit Classes, X Sues Global Advertising Giants For Coordinating ‘Illegal’ Boycott Designed To Punish Free Speech, and Walz Let Rioters Burn Minneapolis While Harris Fundraised To Bail Them Out Of Jail
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