The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Draw the Line, Will Shut Down Government Over Planned Parenthood

Posted on | April 8, 2011 | 8 Comments

In her 2006 book, Godless, Ann Coulter called abortion “the holiest sacrament” in the religion of liberalism. Democrats would rather shut down the federal government than de-fund Planned Parenthood:

Congressional budget negotiations broke up before dawn on Friday without an agreement, putting the government on a path to a shutdown when financing for federal agencies runs out at midnight. . . .
Democratic officials familiar with the negotiations said that proposed restrictions on money for Planned Parenthood remained the chief sticking point, and that attempts to resolve the disagreement through alternatives like allowing a separate floor vote on the issue had not been successful. . . .
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, told reporters in an exchange broadcast on CNN Friday morning that “this all deals with women’s health” and that other issues had been resolved. . . .

Why is Harry so fanatically committed to baby-killing?

UPDATE: “Priorities: Obama’s commitment to funding abortion more important than paying military at war.”

Linked by Da Tech Guy — thanks!

UPDATE II: The following video was approved by the Democrat/MSM Talking-Point Coordination Committee:

Via Doug Ross who has a great “Shutdown Friday” roundup at Michelle Malkin’s site.

UPDATE III: This morning there was a brief flurry of “we have a deal” rumors, before it became clear that Democrats are insisting on a shutdown — so they can blame it on Republicans. Here is video of House Speaker John Boehner’s brief press statement today:

Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, who points out:

Here’s an idea: The Senate can pass a bill funding Planned Parenthood separately, so that federal subsidies for abortion mills don’t create a government shutdown, and let the House debate it straight up. Reid won’t do that because PP funding is not popular and such a rider might not even pass in the Senate.

Frankly, Harry Reid looks desperate. His strategy –making the shutdown about “women’s health” — is very transparently a strategy, based on Democratic Party electoral interests.


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