Dana Loesch, Indentured Servant?
Rumbles of discontent at Breitbart.com, which I’d been hearing from various sources since spring, have finally erupted into actual news, as Dana Loesch has filed a federal lawsuit seeking (a) $75,000 and (b) to be released from her contactual obligations: St. Louis talk radio host Dana Loesch, also a frequent guest on CNN, alleges in […]
They’re Still Hating Breitbart
After screaming into the phone in frustration, I caught my breath and calmed down, finally paraphrasing scripture: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Never mind to whom I was talking or what the original subject of my rant was, the bottom line is something some of us have been saying for months: “Damn, […]
The Continuing Newsworthiness of the Weird Kimberlin-Rauhauser Story
Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison “Keep in mind that Rauhauser, by inciting Nadia Naffe’s lawsuit against Patterico, has obligated Patterico to avoid writing about this subject on advice of counsel, and Aaron Walker‘s attorneys have advised him likewise. So two of the bloggers most knowledgeable about what I […]
You Should Watch This Video
A full hour long, this is an appearance Andrew Breitbart made in September 2011 at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. It starts kinda slow, but you really should grab a chair, get yourself a sandwich, click “view full screen” and watch the whole thing. I promise you, it’s worth your time and will […]
McKay Coppins, Concern Troll
Every newsroom is a seething cauldron of frustrated ambition. It’s been that way forever, and is true everywhere. Nobody goes into the news business with the goal of being the headline writer on the obituary page, but somebody’s got to do it, and the phenomenon of the “disgruntled staffer” is not really interesting unless the […]
@HatingBreitbart Shall Be Seen Alongside 2016 As Essential For Understanding The Obama Era
by Smitty An absolute must-see. And must-own. My old Nokia N97 was immortalized about midway through the movie, where, after he was done addressing the Tax Day Tea Party in 2010, I asked him a question: Other famous folks included, but not necessarily making the credits, were Da Tech Guy, Marooned in Marin. Dave Weigel […]
Left Celebrates ‘Hating Breitbart’ Opening by Acting Like the A–holes They Are
Tonight my co-blogger Smitty is going to see the new Andrew Marcus documentary Hating Breitbart for the first time. I’ve seen it twice — at the world premiere at the Republican convention in Tampa and at the D.C. preview showing Oct. 8. Last night at the first commercial showing of the film in D.C., a fanatical Breitbart-hater […]
‘All Is Proceeding as I Have Foreseen’
So says Vodkapundit, observing that “RCP moved MI and PA into the tossups this morning,” which I hadn’t noticed, but it’s one of the necessary preconditions for a full-blown liberal freakout. Disaster is now coming at Democrats from multiple unexpected directions. Yesterday, Bob Belvedere observed that “James O’Keefe and his Mission: Impossible crew have done it […]
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