The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Biggest Celebrity Upskirt Photo Ever!

Don Surber tipped me to this one. Guess it was probably too risqué for his newspaper readers in West Virginia. Anyway, it’s not that the photo is so big, but the celebrity is very big. And her skirt? It’s huge.

‘When Irish Eyes Are Smiling’

Thanks to Don Surber for pointing out that the Boston mascot seems to be enjoying a wee bit of Ye Merry Olde Upskirt:

Beware of ‘Feminist’ Men

The Triumph of Civic Virtue is a 1922 neoclassical statue by Frederick MacMonnies which, since 1941, has been displayed in front of Borough Hall in Queens, N.Y. The allegorical figure shows a male warrior, symbolizing civic virtue, having conquered two prone female figures symbolizing the twin sirens of vice and corruption. Feminists have objected to […]

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