The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Megan McArdle, Trapped By Quaint Terminology

by Smitty Insty links Megan using old, tired terms like “seignorage.” The new hotness, quantitative easing, readily obviates the difficulties by doubling the word and syllable count. Also, an opaque and unaccountable Federal Reserve is a handy source of shenanigans to keep that stock market bubble inflated. Let our economy be a triumph of style […]

Will One In Four Go To One In Five?

by Smitty (the Corner) The notion of ‘tax cuts’ seems worth revisiting. The idea that the Federal government has eminent domain over all US wallets, while enshrined in the 16th Amendment, is increasingly repugnant. Now we have a President, of whom roughly one in four strongly approve, talking about even further wrong-headed action against the […]

The Internet: The Elites’ Least Favorite Suppository

by Smitty Our favorite Limey, Daniel Hannan notes the following, emphasis mine: The Internet, as Douglas Carswell argues, is ironing out a kink in our cultural and political alignment, whereby a small elite artificially reoriented our foreign policy, our trade and even our news cycle away from our old alliances and towards Europe. That’s the […]

What Does The Instapundit Have Against Joe Satriani?

by Smitty “AS LONG AS IT’S NOT ICE IX” says the Instapundit. This blog comes out strongly in defense of the track: Now, granted, it’s not the jazz odyssey seen on Cool #9, but still. . . OK, he was probably alluding to this.

A. Her Hubby’s Got Big Feet (Hint, Hint)

Q. Why is Dr. Helen Smith always smiling? Dr. Helen is adding to the “hotness gap,” and Professor Reynolds is obviously not just another pretty face. Of course, we’ve never seen him in a Speedo, but . . .

The W-Word: Fringe Journalism Is Fun!

Yes, the W is for “Weigel,” which term seems to have become as offensive (or boring) to some readers as “epistemic closure” or even “Elena Kagan Sex Tape” — the latter being a sort of satire of Rule 5, for which Marty Eisenstadt disclaims any responsibility. Summer is a great time for blog-fights because traffic always goes down during the summer anyway, […]

My Question To Terry Jones Was Featured On ‘Front Page With Allen Barton’

by Smitty My highly important question was addressed starting at 10:10. PJTV continues its gradual world conquest. Related, via Insty: Time to shut down the US Federal Reserve? When someone says, as Evans-Pritchard quotes, and I gently VodkaPundit-ize. . . “Economics is hahrd. Really hahrd. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-boggingly hahrd it […]

They Told Me If I Voted For John McCain, I Could Blame Instapundit Instead Of Bush. . .And They Were Right!

by Smitty This blog is proud to clock in at #3 on a roundup of usages of Insty’s arguably favorite trope. Quite a funny bit of photo work there, too, with balloons by We need more laughs these days.

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