The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tina Brown’s Bankrupt Magazine Newsweek Calls Mitt Romney a ‘Wimp’

Newsweek magazine lost $20 million last year, each weekly issue therefore representing an operating loss of $400,000. Two years ago, Sidney Harman bought the magazine (and its $50 million debt) for a token $1, and subsequently merged it with Tina Brown’s Daily Beast, which has spent the past four years losing $10 million annually in […]

Tina Brown to Newsweek Staff: ‘Don’t Worry, We Can Lose Millions Forever’

Or words to that effect. Tuesday we got the not-surprising news that the merger of Newsweek with Tina Brown’s Daily Beast has failed to stem the multimillion-dollar losses at both operations. Tina Brown has never done anything else but lose vast sums of money — a journalistic career written in red ink, as it were — and I had predicted exactly this […]

Not Surprising: Tina Brown’s ‘Newsbeast’ Still Losing Millions of Dollars a Year

“The investors can expect to lose a crapload of cash in the process. The New Yorker reportedly lost $42 million in three years (1995-97) under Ms. Brown’s editorship. Talk lost an impressive $80 million during its two-year existence. Whatever else you might say about Tina Brown, she’s undeniably brilliant at convincing investors to lose money […]

Drip, Drip, Drip: ‘Mormon Mitt’ Meme Keeps Popping Up in Mainstream Media

OK, maybe it’s stretching the definition of “mainstream” to include the Daily Beast and MSNBC, but the predicted eruptions of the “Mormon Mitt” meme keep occurring with increasing frequency. Notice how Newsweek/Daily Beast reporter Ben Jacobs hands a cue to Montana’s Democrat Gov. Brian Schweitzer: While discussing swing states, Schweitzer said Romney would have a […]

The Weekly Newsbeast?

MSM meltdown yields a hideous amalgam: The newsmagazine that Jon Meacham ran into the toilet will merge with Tina Brown’s HuffPo knockoff: Newsweek and The Daily Beast will announce tomorrow morning that the two publications will merge, a source close to the deal tells The Observer. It will be a 50-50 merger of the two […]

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