The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Patterico Vindicated: Judge Rules Against Brett Kimberlin’s Failed Federal Suit

Nearly four years after Brett Kimberlin sued Patrick Frey, myself and numerous other defendants (including Michelle Malkin, and Red State) in a bogus federal RICO suit, the case has finally concluded with Judge George Hazel granting Frey summary judgment. There was no factual basis for this suit we had dubbed Kimberlin v. the Universe, […]

Benghazi: A Hole in the Tick-Tock

Tick-tock: Journalism jargon for a story that recounts events in chronological order, as if accompanied by the soundtrack of a ticking clock. Last summer, at the request of American Spectator editor R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., I spent several days trying to get the White House Press Office to answer a simple question: The President of […]

Did Roger Shuler Violate Alabama Law by Impersonating an Attorney as ‘RogerS’?

Portrait of a Kook: Roger Shuler On Oct. 24, Patterico called attention to a commenter using the name “RogerS” at, a site rather notorious for attacking enemies of Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser. Conspiracy theorists won’t believe it was just a coincidence that, the day before Patterico published that post, authorities in Shelby County, […]

Who Tipped BuzzFeed About Weiner’s Cyber-Girlfriend Sydney Leathers?

Anthony Weiner, 48, likes females less than half his age with "smooth" genitals. Nothing to see here. Move along. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 24, 2013 My friend Donald Douglas this morning was rather shocked at how quickly I jumped onto the Sydney Leathers story, but I explained on Twitter what I said […]

Glenn Greenwald Is a Ridiculous Joke (And Alas, the Internet Never Forgets)

“DomMascHry31”? Really? I always figured @ggreenwald as more the "SmoothLooseBottom" type … #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 27, 2013 Ali Akbar called and I had to tell him about the infamous — indeed, epic — nay, world-historic — exposure of Glenn Greenwald’s sockpuppetry back in 2006. Many people currently active in conservative […]


Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser recently admitted in a complaint to my office that he introduced [Nadia] Naffe to attorney Jay Leiderman . . . “In the same document, Rauhauser declared that if Naffe is successful, he believes it will put an end to my […]

Kooky Tuesday Continues: Is Social Media Breeding Monsters? Oh, Hell, Yes!

Having begun the day with a post about deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, followed up with a post about a maniac professor at Columbia University, and then added a discussion of the (allegedly) felonious kook Barrett Brown, let’s stick with the theme, eh? In a post at’s new group-blog thingie, Mandy Nagy asks “Is Social […]

AR-15 Saleswoman of the Year?

Patterico nominates Sen. Dianne Feinstein for an NRA Lifetime Achievement Award: Perhaps no single American in the country’s history has done more to put high-powered rifles and high capacity magazines in the hands of United States citizens. The irony — it burns!

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