The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How Bill Schmalfeldt (@Leonidas_BU) Implicated Himself in Online Fraud

In July 2012, my blog buddy Karen, The Lonely Conservative, described how she was targeted by a fake email, from someone impersonating my colleague Wombat, forwarding to her an email purportedly from me in which “I” wrote insulting things about Karen. This was two months after I began covering the Brett Kimberlin saga, and I […]

School Officials Helping Spread Sequestration Political Message

The Lonely Conservative relays the e-mail message sent by her child’s school principal: Act to STOP Sequestration now Take Action! Our students deserve the best education Without action, sequestration cuts will take place THIS Friday, March 1. It is anticipated that the cuts to education and other domestic programs will be 5.3 percent, and will […]

Blame Bush, You Fools

GAHANNA, Ohio Just now waking up to the post-American era. A longtime reader e-mailed me this data from the Ohio exit polls: An outright majority of Ohio voters (51%-40% margin) consider Bush “more to blame for current economic problems” than the man who has been president for the past four years. And among the Bush-blamers, […]

Out With Gillibrand, In With Wendy Long!

by Smitty See The Lonely Conservative for more details on the Senate race in New York. Pressure the CommiesDemocrats on every front! Wendy Long for U.S. Senate

Obama: Republicans Hate U.S. Military; Poll: U.S. Military Hates Obama

by Smitty #OccupyResoluteDesk in Reno today, all ahead Full-Tilt Pander: President Obama told the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno today that, under his administration, “for the first time ever” military families and returning vets are a priority. . . . “And there are a number of Republicans in Congress who don’t want you […]

Poison Pen E-Mail and the Harassment of the Lonely Conservative

Go read The Lonely Conservative’s account of the fake e-mail in which an evil person impersonated Wombat and defamed me. Read Wombat’s account: “Game On.” Read my reaction: “How’s Your Gaelic, Neal Rauhauser?” Wombat and I are big boys who can defend ourselves. The Lonely Conservatives is a woman who has been sadistically harassed by the Left. […]

Fourth Of July Message From A Leader

by Smitty Would that some others one could name were possessed of such clarity: via Brietbart For contrast, via The Lonely Conservative we have:

The Lonely Conservative Completely Wrecked My Morning

by Smitty What sort of random joy in brutality would lead you to use words like Eric Holder and Supreme Court Justice in the same sentence? That’s just wrong. R – O – N – N – G – G. Holder is packin’ less gear than either Sotomayor and Kagan. The thought of those two […]

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