The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sen. Schumer’s Deed Shall Live In Infamy

by Smitty Chuck Schumer appears to have achieved a full metamorphosis: he may be the first Senator to have achieved the full odiousness of the British Parliament which the Founders opposed. From a Freedom Works email: We observed all the rules. Senator Mike Lee reserved the room for us weeks in advance. Every “i” was […]

Muscular Statesman Harry Reid Drips Testosterone And Leadership Everywhere In Remarks On Stupor Committee

by Smitty Oh, who am I kidding? I’ve seen firmer lumps of bread dough. Like the Nobel Committee, one engages in wishful thinking in the hopes of altering the outcome. Unlike the Nobel Committee, one keeps one’s expectations of the American political class well below zero, for minimal surprise. The Stupor Committee was never anything […]

The Tea Party Budget

by Smitty For a printout and a quick glance, The Tea Party Budget scoops Congress in general and the Stupor Committee in particular. Sure, #OccupyResoluteDesk, as well. To achieve these goals, our plan, among other things: Repeals ObamaCare in toto. Eliminates four Cabinet agencies — Energy, Education, Commerce, and HUD — and reduces or privatizes many […]

Soon, Most Of The Federal Budget Will Be A Blend Of ‘Disastrous’ And ‘Emergency’

by Smitty If I may scrape attention briefly away from contestant #753 on the Herman Cain Allegation Show, Heritage reports the following cheery bit about the Budget Control Act: Then there is Loophole No. 2: In addition to the “disaster” funds [loophole #1], the BCA still retains the uncapped “emergency” credit card. So Congress could […]

We Already Know They Don’t Teach Economics at Harvard Law School

But you might think they’d require an introductory course in logic, because Dwayne Lester shows how invalid fallacies are the only arguments made in favor of Obama’s “Buffett Rule” requiring tax increases on the rich.

‘Pay Their Fair Share’

How many times did President Obama say that phrase during yesterday during his Rose Garden speech? . . . for us to solve this problem, everybody, including the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, have to pay their fair share. If we’re going to make spending cuts — many of which we wouldn’t make if we […]

Obama Explains That When He Says ‘Creating Jobs’ He Means ‘Raising Taxes’

That’s the upshot of the presidential speech this morning, during which Obama promised to veto any deficit-reduction legislation that does not include tax increase on the rich: “I will not support any plan that puts all the burden for closing our deficit on ordinary Americans,” he said. “And I will veto any bill that changes […]

Denison: Overflow Crowd Hears Herman Cain Slam Obama: ‘That’s Not Leadership!’

DENISON, Iowa Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain today denounced as “pathetic” the response of President Obama and other Democrats to the recent downgrade of U.S. credit. “Today, the president, Senator [John] Kerry and other Democrats now want to blame somebody for the credit downgrade – other than themselves,” Cain told a standing-room only crowd at […]

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