The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Shame of Adam Kinzinger

Last week, Tucker Carlson bid a mocking farewell to Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger who, like Liz Cheney and many others, wrecked his career by succumbing to Trump Derangement Syndrome. As much as I enjoyed Carlson’s mockery — and as much as Kinzinger deserved to be mocked as a “male menopause” sufferer — it does not […]

Why Was the Department of Justice Spying on Republican Congressional Staff?

Something for Jim Jordan’s committee to investigate: In an extraordinary intrusion on congressional oversight, the Justice Department used grand jury subpoenas to secretly obtain the personal email and phone data of at least two top House Intelligence Committee investigators back in November 2017 just as they and their boss, then-Chairman Devin Nunes, were assembling bombshell […]

Payback Time: McCarthy Will Boot Infamous Jew-Hater From Committee

Sweet, sweet justice! Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy repeatedly promised over the past couple of years that, when the GOP regains control of the House, he would remove Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from their respective committees. It looks like he intends to follow through on that promise. On […]

Lauren Boebert Reelected

For some reason — I don’t know, I barely pay attention to this kind of stuff — Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert is the one Republican that Democrats most hoped to beat this year. And . . . nope: Democrat Adam Frisch announced Friday that he had called GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert and conceded the race […]

Heckuva Job, Nancy Pelosi: Manager of the Decline of the Democratic Party

It was perhaps predictable, once it became clear that Republicans had won a majority in the House of Representatives, that Nancy Pelosi would resign from the Democratic leadership in the House. She’s 82 years old, after all, but if Democrats had managed to keep their majority, she probably wouldn’t have turned over the Speaker’s gavel. […]

‘Progressive Rock Star’ Katie Porter Spends $24 Million for Reelection

Apologies for the lack of blogging Thursday, but because today is Veterans Day, my day job required me to do two days of work in advance, blah blah blah. Anyway, I happened to click on a Hot Air item by John Sexton, toward the end of which, this part caught my attention: Finally, another race […]

Denial Is Not a Strategy

“I dismiss that,” Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday on MSNBC, when Andrea Mitchell asked about polls showing “rising inflation concerns along with crime, giving . . . new momentum to Republicans”: PELOSI: First of all, let me say that I think much of what you have said I don’t agree with. That is to say, the […]

More Signs of a Midterm ‘Red Wave’?

Ann Althouse captures Frank Bruni of the New York Times worrying that Joe Biden’s unpopularity may sink Raphael Warnock’s Senate reelection bid in Georgia. (Hat-tip: Instapundit.) The other big problem for Warnock is that the Democratic candidate for governor is Stacey Abrams, who is losing very badly to Gov. Brian Kemp. Bruni is apparently trying […]

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