Obama’s Down. Can GOP Put Him Out?
“There is only so much disaster-control you can do. When you’re in a disaster, you can spin it as ‘not that bad’ or ‘not my fault’ . . . but you cannot actually spin or speechify a horrific state of affairs into a positive one.” — Ace of Spades, “Obama on the Ropes? Two GOP […]
Against Radical Egalitarianism
A friend responded to my earlier post about the so-called “gender gap” with an e-mail pointing out several other statistical problems in that feminist argument. Replying to my friend’s e-mail, I found myself elaborating an argument that eventually reached nearly 1,200 words. Because it explains a lot of the fundamental principles involved in my political […]
VIDEO: The Man With No Plan Accuses House Republicans of Irresponsibility
“President Snippy Pants,” as William Teach calls him, evidently believes what America needs is more lectures from him: While accusing the House GOP of wasting time by, y’know, passing legislation, our Lecturer-in-Chief uses his weekly address to issue yet another iteration of Democrat Party talking points: Republicans in the House of Representatives just spent precious days trying to […]
Obama Wants ‘Largest Deal Possible’
The president is obviously trying to turn the debt-ceiling negotiations into an opportunity to claim victory: “I think there’s still time to get something big done,” [White House budget director Jack] Lew said. . . . Lew said on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that the president “made clear he wants the largest deal possible.”“He wants […]
Why Doesn’t Obama Come Right Out and Say, ‘Democrats Want to Raise Taxes’?
There is a cynical saying among political strategists on Capitol Hill: “Do we want the bill or do we want the issue”? That is to say, is it to our advantage to pass legislation to address a specific issue, or is it to our advantage to keep the issue alive as a controversy going into […]
Whatever Happened to AuH2O?
“People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.” — Edmund Burke, 1790 In 1964, Sen. Barry Goldwater (a) voted against the Civil Rights Act, and (b) was the Republican nominee for president. Goldwater’s argument against the Civil Right Act was that it constituted an infringement of property rights. Ron […]
Carl Salonen & the Left-Wing Trolls Who Smeared ‘Advice Goddess’ Amy Alkon
Yesterday I blogged about Amy Alkon’s encounter with the online Left which, taking offense at something Alkon had written about unwed motherhood, organized one of its characteristic “Two-Minute Hate” campaigns against her. What I did not know was that the Left attempted to destroy Alkon’s career as a journalist, by posting defamatory fallacious Amazon “reviews” of […]
‘No Poor Man Ever Gave Me a Job’
As an impoverished American — hey, buddy, you wanna try raising six kids on a freelance journalist’s income? — I look on in amusement at the self-described “Patriotic Millionaires” who insist that they should pay more taxes. I agree with Moe Lane: “Raise Your Own Damned Taxes.” Contrary to all the class-warfare demagoguery pouring forth from […]
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