The ‘Investigative Journalist’ Grift and the Dangerous ‘Viral’ Style of Ian Carroll
Y’all remember Barrett Brown, don’t you? He first popped onto my radar in late 2009. Just about the time I was finished with the Charles Johnson/LGF affair, Barrett Brown decides to do some kind of thing “exposing” me as a dangerous neo-Confederate white supremacist, to which my basic response was: I’m watching you, boy. About […]
The Future of Gaza is Neu Schwabenland
— compiled by Wombat-socho We interrupt your normal evening linkagery for an important post about the current geopolitical situation. Your normal linkagery will resume in the morning. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. Our God-Emperor, Donaldus Trump Magnus, has decreed the creation of Mar-A-Gaza on the currently rubble-strewn land called the Gaza Strip. To do […]
Is the ‘Patriot Front’ a Fed PsyOp?
Certainly I am not the only conservative who has suspected this mysterious “white nationalist” group of being secretly controlled by the FBI, and when the Patriot Front showed up during Friday’s annual March for Life in Washington, everybody with an X account was yelling “Fed.” With nearly 40 years of experience as a journalist, I […]
The Wile E. Coyote of Liberal Journalism
Everybody remembers Wile E. Coyote was a Super Genius, right? That old Looney Tunes character came to mind this week when I read liberal journalist Michael Tomasky’s hot take on the election: I’ve had a lot of conversations since Tuesday revolving around the question of why Donald Trump won. The economy and inflation. Kamala Harris […]
What Is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’?
Why is Russell Brand mocking Kamala Harris? At what point did Brand, a lifelong leftist, become “right-wing,” and why? Those thoughts occurred to me after I accidentally watched a YouTube video of Brand (blame the algorithm) and then skimmed through his Wikipedia page. It appears that COVID-19 policy was the start of his shift away […]
We Probably Can’t Rule Out ‘Arkancide’
Twelve more Democrats, including two senators, call on Biden to drop out — Washington Post Secluded in Rehoboth, Biden Stews at Allies’ Pressure to Drop Out of the Race — New York Times Democratic consensus solidifies around Harris, should Biden step aside — CNN It Looks Like Kamala’s Call with Democrat Donors Was a Disaster […]
Dueling Paranoias
Have you ever given any thought to the question, “What causes paranoia?” Like, the pathogenesis of the disease? Because of my long interest in the field of psychology (“Crazy People Are Dangerous”), I have given a lot of thought to this subject and I consider it significant that stimulant drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine can […]
‘Violence Was Inevitable’
“Don’t jump to conclusions,” I say, every time there’s a shooting, bombing, some other incident where people on social media start rushing to place blame, before any definite information is available. In my first update Saturday, at 6:55 p.m. ET, I said: “We still know nothing about what actually happened, and I urge everyone to […]
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