They Told Me If I Voted for Trump, Jews Would Suffer Legal Persecution …
. . . and they were right! A non-profit is fighting back against a lawsuit from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has forced its closure and shut down its crowdfunding platform. Arthur Goldberg has been a target of SPLC since 2012. He and non-profits with which he is affiliated have been sued […]
Don’t Mess With the Grand Poobah
What’s the first thing you notice about that photo? Yeah, there’s Gavin McInnes looking like a Kentucky colonel on Derby Day in his white suit, but there in the background is noted First Amendment lawyer Ron Coleman, looking like the third Blues Brother in his shades. After it was announced Monday that McInnes was […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Gilmore v. Jones, et al., Hearing
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia Defendants in a major First Amendment case today urged a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit by former State Department official Brennan Gilmore, who claims he was defamed by Alex Jones and others who criticized his activities at the August 2017 riot where a woman was killed. Attorneys for Jones and […]
Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too)
“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict […]
Appeals Panel Upholds Judge’s Ruling to Block President’s Immigration Order
The Los Angeles Times: The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to continue blocking enforcement of President Trump ’s travel ban. The unanimous decision means that a stay preventing a ban on on immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries remains in place, at least for now. The ruling came after the three-judge panel […]
Impeach the Unconstitutional Judge
If the Republican-controlled House of Representatives wants to do something about judicial overreach — a pet peeve of conservatives — they could start impeachment proceedings against this judge: James Robart, the U.S. district judge in Washington State, offered little explanation for his decision to stop President Trump’s executive order temporarily suspending non-American entry from […]
Shapiro Wins Lawsuit in ‘Clock Boy’ Case
Being sued for bogus defamation claims is a subject with which I have personal experience. Good to see a big win for Ben Shapiro: On Thursday afternoon a Texas Judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro by Mohammed Mohammed, the father of “clock boy” Ahmed Mohammed. Claiming defamation, Mohammed filed the […]
Lunch With Noah Rothman
by Smitty You may have seen this a few years back: That ad comes to mind reading Noah Rothman over at Hot Air as he surveys a few recent URLs concerning the Convention of States notion. Rothman makes a fair point: there is no risk-free way to revisit our founding document: For conservatives who ostensibly […]
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