The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Report: Hillary Clinton Is Funding Her Campaign by Stealing From the Poor

  Your latest “Crooked Hillary” update: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is stealing from her poorest supporters by purposefully and repeatedly overcharging them after they make what’s supposed to be a one-time small donation through her official campaign website, multiple sources tell the Observer. The overcharges are occurring so often that the fraud department at one of […]

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is Corrupt

  Today’s headlines via Memeorandum: Emails Raise New Questions About Clinton Foundation Ties to State Dept. — Eric Lichtblau, New York Times NYT: State gave Foundation donor access to Hillary in exchange for a private jet ride for Bill — Ed Morrissey, Hot Air Top Hillary Clinton Aide Accepted Request From Foundation Official for Diplomatic […]

The Hired Liars of Liberal Media

Andrew Breitbart used the phrase “Democrat-Media Complex” to describe the dishonest and hypocritical frauds who consider their partisan opinions to be synonymous with Truth and Virtue. Based on my own experience — as an ex-Democrat who has been in the news business since 1986 — I long ago concluded that most journalists don’t notice liberal bias for […]

Did Mobsters Beat Harry Reid?

John Hinderaker at Powerline returns to the unanswered questions surrounding the retiring Democrat senator’s injuries: When a guy shows up at a Las Vegas emergency room on New Year’s Day with severe facial injuries and broken ribs, and gives as an explanation the functional equivalent of “I walked into a doorknob,” it isn’t hard to […]

Sidney Blumenthal, Of Course

The most loyal of Hillary’s loyalists: If the motives to wipe the hard drive on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server weren’t already crystal clear, a new development last night put it in Ultra HD. Gawker’s Jeff Girth and Sam Biddle uncovered a secret, private intelligence network run by Sidney Blumenthal for Hillary’s benefit, apart from the State […]

30,000 ‘Personal’ Emails?

Hillary Clinton’s big press conference Tuesday, where she “addressed” the subject of her official emails, she said this: We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work- related emails and deliver them to the State Department. At the end, I chose not to keep my private personal emails — emails about planning […]

Server, Serve Her: Clinton Crumbling

EmailGate is reminding Americans of the scandalous Clintonian habit of deception and corruption. Ed Morrissey scoffs: Hillary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act for four years, hid all of her e-mails as Secretary of State for nearly six years, and only began giving some of those communications to State a couple of months ago. Now that the […]

Unfortunate Metaphor Alert: IRS Assigns Blind Worker To Lerner Case

by Smitty An explosive revelation from J. Christian Adams: The IRS assigned a blind guy to search for Lois Lerner emails? OMG. #tcot — Howard Notelling (@BluegrassPundit) February 28, 2015 Now, somebody I know is going blind, and it’s not a pleasant thing. So stipulate that we’re not piling on somebody doing their job. […]

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