Is the ‘Baseless Rumor’ True? Why Don’t Journalists Do Some Actual Journalism?
The question of whether Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) married her brother is an interesting question and, earlier this year at CPAC, I covered a press conference by bloggers who said the answer is “yes.” The persistent accusations that her marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was a fraud finally prompted the Minneapolis Star-Tribune to […]
Blunder or Genius?
?John Hinderaker has called President Trump’s Sunday morning tweet-storm “a blunder of epic proportions” — an “own-goal,” as they say in soccer — and maybe it is, but Steven Hayward points out: With a wedge opening up between the Democratic Party leadership and the noisy Four Freshmen reps . . . Trump has now forced […]
The Fake Ukrainian Ledger Angle: How the Media Colluded With the ‘Deep State’
Look at the date on that New York Times story — how did it happen that, in August 2016, Ukraine’s “newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau” took an interest in Donald Trump’s campaign manager and these reporters had no trouble finding sources in Kiev telling them all about these “ledgers”? What that just a coincidence? […]
The Worst #MeToo Smear Yet
Imagine you’re a famous billionaire real estate developer. Now imagine you’ve got nothing better to do than to hang around department stores, raping magazine columnists in dressing rooms: President Donald Trump strongly denounced an allegation of sexual assault from author E. Jean Carroll on Friday, saying that he never met the woman in his […]
Trump Launches Re-Election Campaign With Monster Rally in Orlando
This guy is a political genius. A week ahead of the first televised Democrat debates, he stages a gigantic rally in a 20,000-seat Florida arena, with people lining up two days in advance. By doing this, on the four-year anniversary of his June 2015 escalator ride, Trump visibly demonstrates his continued popularity at a […]
Trump Trolls His Media Enemies
Today, while liberal pundits were going wall-to-wall on the cable-news panels denouncing Trump as an obstructor of justice, our Commander-in-Chief flew to Florida and played golf with Rush Limbaugh. That’s a brilliant move. Nothing enrages liberals more than to see conservatives having fun, which is why I try to be ostentatiously happy. Thursday morning, […]
Mueller? Mueller? Mueller?
Washington, D.C., is going insane in anticipation of today’s release of the Mueller report, but honestly, I find it difficult to care. More than a year ago, I came to the conclusion that Robert Mueller’s “investigation” was actually a cover-up, intended to conceal or distract attention from the real scandal, i.e., that the Obama […]
Somebody Give Breathless Conor Friedersdorf’s Breathlessness A Breath
by Smitty It’s an easy play if a deadline looms in the age of Trump, I suppose: get all literal about some Eminence Orange utterance. Trump’s non-command of the Progressive Era definition of stateman–buries your liberty in legislation, but uses mellifluous tones while doing so–makes targeting him trivial. Which brings us to young Conor of […]
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