The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bee Stings, Cult Violence, and MAGA Hats

  Did you know this? “Seventy-one percent of the 387 ‘extremist related fatalities in the United States’ from 2008 to 2017 were committed by members of far-right and white-supremacist groups, according the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.” That was published in the New York Times, which failed to do the math — i.e., 28 deaths […]


  In 2017, the Southern Poverty Law Center raised $132 million, David Montgomery of the Washington Post noted last November: That’s a 164 percent increase over the $50 million it took in a year before. The SPLC’s endowment is up to $433 million. SPLC leaders explain the jump as a reaction to the tone unleashed […]

McCabe’s Weird Anti-Russia Paranoia Reveals ‘Deep State’ Cult Mentality

  There was a lot of weird craziness in Andrew McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview, including the hare-brained scheme to secretly record President Trump’s conversations and invoke the 25th Amenidment, but perhaps nothing was more revealing than when the fired FBI official said this: “I was speaking to the man who had just run for the […]

Haunted by Ghosts of ‘Fitzmas’ Past: Jason Leopold’s Trump/Cohen Debacle

Jason Leopold is a journalist, allegedly. The anti-Trump media are going through the Kübler-Ross stages of grief, Professor Jacobson notes, since the collapse of Thursday’s BuzzFeed “exclusive” with the devastating headline, “President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project.” One clue to what was wrong with the story was […]

Schumer and Pelosi Own the Shutdown Even as They Try to Blame Trump

  Democrat leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have adopted an anti-American position by insisting that nothing be done to secure the southern border against the flood of illegal aliens. Because they represent constituencies that hate Americans and love foreigners, the Democrat leaders believe that they can “win” the confrontation with President Trump over the […]

‘They Took a Wild Chance’

  Smitty has already commented on Willard’s embarrassing anti-Trump column, so I’ll refrain from further comment on that. What seems to have eluded the comprehension of Sen.-elect Romney and other #NeverTrump Republicans — looking at you, Jonah Goldberg — is that their insulting disdain for our President is rooted in their elitist loathing of the […]

Trump Goes to Iraq, #FakeNews Media Embarrass Themselves

  After the #FakeNews media and #NeverTrump ex-Republicans had gone all-in on President Trump’s supposedly historic lack of patriotism, it was discovered that the Commander-in-Chief had been secretly in transit to Iraq even while these headlines and tweets were being written: President Donald Trump made a surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday to visit the […]

Syria, Afghanistan, and the #NeverTrump Problem of Jonah Goldberg

Glenn Reynolds has an excellent round-up of reaction to President Trump’s decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria and reduce the force in Afghanistan by half, which was apparently the reason that General James “Mad Dog” Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense. Ace headlines it, “Trump Has Succeeded Where George W. Bush Failed: He […]

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