The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Battle of Tahrir Square

One of my Twitter friends is closely following events in Egypt: You may have already seen some of this footage showing Wednesday’s charge (by what one of our blog commenters called “irregular cavalry”) on the anti-government protesters in Cairo. But it is, as Alyssa says, “astonishing.” The Christian Science Monitor has an account of the […]

Obama ‘Siding With Chaos’?

So says a leading Egyptian businessman: Shafik Gabr was one of President Obama’s greatest fans eighteen months ago. Today, as Mr. Obama presses for the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, not so much. “The United States is siding with chaos if they force Mubarak out now,” says Gabr. Gabr is the Chairman of the […]

Egypt! Egypt! Egypt!

Turn on the TV news, and that’s all you hear. Whereas Jehovah smote the ancient Egyptians with a series of plagues, now we’re cursed with a repetitive plague of Egyptians on TV news. Dan Collins reacts poetically: In Aegyptus did Kubla Bam A peaceful transition decree . . . Read the rest, although I prefer […]

Egypt Gets Violent, Obama Gets Angry, Networks Get Ratings, I’ll Pop the Popcorn

Let’s start with the basics: When you carry signs and chant slogans, that’s called a “protest.” When you start throwing rocks and molotov cocktails, that’s called a “riot.” So it’s time for the talking heads on TV to stop using terms like “protesters” and “demonstrators” to describe the mob in Cairo. Furthermore, don’t ever try […]

VIDEO: Christiane Amanpour Starring in ABC’s New Hit TV Show, The Cairo Riots

Following up on my previous description in an update, we see further evidence that the Egyptian situation has turned into a celebrity-journalist festival, with Christiane Amanpour doing riot duty in Cairo: (Via Hot Air.) Notice the extent to which this story is about Amanpour: Christiane talking, Christiane walking, Christiane the expert on the scene, with […]

In Desperate Bid to End Cairo Violence, Levi Johnston’s Sister Agrees to Pose Nude

State Department sources say the Egyptian rioters have demanded to see Mercede Johnston naked. Initial attempts by the Obama administration to quell the uprising with Kim Kardashian nude photos led to further negotiations. While the Muslim Brotherhood had at first insisted that they would not settle for anything less than full frontal Alyssa Milano, U.S. […]

Crisis in Cairo Continues: Egyptians Ignore Obama, Resort to Violence

The magic words of President Obama’s speech apparently failed to pacify the Egyptian masses and — as of 5 p.m. in Cairo (10 a.m. ET) — the crowds in Tahrir Square were fighting with sticks and stones. As much as I’d like to spend today blogging about domestic politics — and Kim Kardashian’s nude photos — […]

Now That Obama Has Saved Egypt From Disaster, It’s Time to Blog About Charlie Sheen and Other Screwed-Up Celebrities UPDATE: Justin Bieber Video Added!

Today, I put up five posts — totalling more than 2,500 words, with four videos, two photos and 52 links — about the crisis in Egypt. I actually forced myself to watch both MSNBC and Al-Jazeera in order to bring you guys complete coverage: Egypt: Crisis Averted? Obama’s Speech: Transition ‘Must Begin Now’ Army Chief […]

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