The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Biden Administration Loses Key Ally

The Biden administration gave $16 billion to Iran, but Joe Biden’s valuable partner is now missing and likely dead: Iranians have been asked to pray for the safety of President Ebrahim Raisi after his helicopter went missing on the way back from a meeting Sunday with President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan. The helicopter was also […]

Iran Attacks Israel: Biden to Blame

Iran launches unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel — Axios Iran’s state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel — Associated Press Iran launches hundreds of suicide drones in ‘significant escalation’ against Israel — New York Post At this time — 7:45 p.m. ET Saturday — it’s unclear what […]

Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed

God said to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” He forgot to add, “F–k around and find out”: Iranian state media reported on Friday morning that top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated near the capital city of Tehran by unidentified “terrorists” after a fierce battle with […]

Democrats Subvert U.S. Iran Policy

Sucking up to the mullahs: Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Jahad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week, according to a source briefed by the French delegation to the conference. Murphy’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment by […]

Iran Shot Down Plane Full of Canadians

After attacking U.S. forces in Iraq Tuesday night, it appears, Iran was on such high alert they shot down a plane full of Canadians by mistake: The Ukrainian flight that crashed just outside the Iranian capital of Tehran was struck by an anti-aircraft missile system, a Pentagon official, a senior U.S. intelligence official and an […]

Democrats: Pro-Iran or Anti-American?

  Nancy Pelosi wants a vote to express her love of America’s enemies: The House will vote on a resolution limiting President Trump’s military actions toward Iran following his decision to launch a drone strike that killed a top Iranian commander, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday. Pelosi told Democratic members in a letter that […]

‘We’re Going to War, Bro’

  If you know anything at all about the 82nd Airborne, you know that it’s an all-volunteer unit — an elite combat force. You don’t get there unless you want to fight America’s enemies, and so the troops view their deployment to the Middle East as an opportunity: FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) — For many […]

Breaking: Iran Attacks U.S. Forces in Iraq

Details are still very sketchy: Iran launched more than a dozen missiles at two Iraqi bases that hold US troops in what appears to be retaliation for the American airstrike that killed a top Iranian general last week, the Pentagon said Tuesday. A US official told CNN that the attacks did not inflict any US […]

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