The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BULLETIN: 5.0 Earthquake Hits Vanuatu; New Poll Shows Rick Santorum Headed for ‘Commanding Win’ in Louisiana Primary

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana News that the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu was shaken today by a 5.0-magnitude earthquake reached me at just the same time as news that the latest poll shows Rick Santorum way ahead here: Rick Santorum is headed for a commanding win in Louisiana on Saturday. We find him with 42% to 28% […]


Has Glenn Reynolds joined the “Roll Over for Romney” movement? Back in 2008, the social-cons were all-in for Romney, to the point where Hugh Hewitt’s take became a running tagline (“You know who this is good for? Mitt Romney!”) that’s still used by by bloggers from time to time. Now, not so much. So what […]

Obscure Musical Allusion Blog Post Title Sweepstakes: Joy Division, for the Win!

“It’s like being assigned to cover a psychotic breakdown, so that the challenge as a journalist is to report accurately all the paranoid gibberish, the bizarre hallucinations and delusions of grandeur.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 11, 2012 “But there is no point in haggling any longer with this. The time has come to get […]

Where Credit Is Due

It is always better to be too generous than to risk being regarded as selfish or possessive or, Heaven forbid, thievish. While following up with people I’d met at CPAC, I had a long conversation with Stella Lohmann, who told me the sad story of the lawsuit over the “Tea Party Patriots” name. Believe it or […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Santorum’s National Iowa-Style Strategy

Andrea Tantaros of Fox News interviews Rick Santorum at CPAC in Washington, D.C., Friday, Feb. 10, 2012 HAGERSTOWN, Maryland Back home from CPAC with about 300 business cards, two days’ growth of beard, and a voice hoarse from rocking out with Chris Cassone at Friday’s “Unsustainable Bar Tab” reception. Also, I’ve got beaucoups of photos and […]


–by Wombat-socho “It’s A Two-Man Race Now,” Stacy McCain declares Earthquake Thursday in Vanuatu: A sign and a portent? Just announced at CPAC: Mitt Romney wins 38% of the straw poll vote at CPAC, followed by Rick Santorum at 31%. Newt Gingrich placed third with 15% and perennial CPAC straw poll winner Ron Paul a […]

Gingrich, Romney, Trump Monopolize Media; Santorum Keeps Campaigning

“[Obama] made the claim that his policies of taxing the rich is authorized by the Bible. That he is doing what is biblically called for by taxing the rich, by having the government tax the rich. Now, I’ve read the Bible, and I must have missed that passage. . . . This is an administration […]

‘Let-Me-Tell-You-What-to-Think’ and Other Conventional Wisdom Tricks

Many months ago, Ace of Spades erupted in a fury over an “objective” mainstream media news story: Stop telling me what to think! I’d love to link that memorable post, but archive searches on Ace’s site are difficult. The point he made, however, is that some journalists have an obnoxious tendency to assume readers are […]

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