The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Mommy, Why Is an Orange Man on TV?’

Shep Smith has been inflicting psychological trauma on me FOR YEARS, but I never thought of suing. #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 14, 2013 Many Fox News viewers have been struggling with feelings of despair, but won’t somebody please think about the children? According to the lawsuit, a psychologist found that the […]

Enemies List: Holder’s DOJ and Hillary’s State Department Targeted Fox Reporter

Case against Fox’s Rosen, in which O admin is criminalizing reporting, makes all of the other “scandals” look like giant nothing burgers. — Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 20, 2013 Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama’s war on whistleblowers, let’s just call it what it is: Obama’s war on journalism. — Eli Lake (@EliLake) May […]

Why Did Fox News and Townhall Scrub the Todd Starnes ‘Saudi National’ Story?

Let me start by saying that I consider the obsession with the “Saudi national” — a student who was questioned after the Boston Marathon bombing — an annoying distraction from the main story of the terrorist act committed by the Brothers Tsarnaev. This is not to say that the story isn’t interesting in its own […]

This Will Not End Well for the Donald

So, the Vulgar King of Obnoxiousness decided to throw down on Twitter with Michelle Malkin, and perhaps this reminder is unnecessary: Trump has a rather long history of hostility toward conservatives like Malkin, a New York Times bestselling author and New Media entrepreneur who created the popular Hot Air political blog as well as the […]

Elite Pundit, Belatedly Catching Up With Me, Recognizes the ‘Fox Trap’

How long have I been talking about the “Fox Trap”? Forever, it seems, but for example, here’s a description from February 2009: Media-wise, the GOP made the mistake of putting all its eggs in one basket. I enjoy Fox News, but it has created a syndrome where Republicans watch Fox all the time and delude themselves […]

‘Through a Plate Glass Window’: How Liberal Media De-Legitimize Dissent

Patterico did a post yesterday about the “Accuse the Accusers” strategy that I meant to link and discuss at length, but I didn’t get around to it because new outrages were piling up quicker than I could keep track. In just the past couple of days: Stephen Crowder got sucker-punched in the head by Michigan […]

Fox News Closet Case (Who’s Not Fooling Anybody) Declares GOP Opponents of Gay Marriage ‘On the Wrong Side of History’

How many “blind” items in the tabloids have we seen and knew they were talking about precious (formerly) pretty boy Shep, huh? Fox News anchor Shep Smith made his own news today when he said President Obama was “now in the 21st century” after his support for same-sex marriage. Minutes later, in a conversation with […]

Occupy Wall Street Leader Says NYPD Was Sending Rapists to Zuccotti Park

Aleister at American Glob calls this: “Best. Hannity. Interview. Ever.” Watch the latest video at This punk is the strongest argument I’ve seen in favor of police brutality.

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