The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When It Comes to Foreign Policy, Let’s Trust Alan Colmes and Jimmy Carter!

Colmes posts this: Mohamed ElBaradei, a leading voice of Egypt’s opposition, told Fareed Zakaria on CNN that the American conservative fear put forth by people like John Bolton and Thaddeus McCotter that the Muslim Brotherhood will step in and take over Egypt if Hosni Mubarak falls is a myth without “one iota of reality.” This […]

‘Civility,’ Unless It’s Sarah Palin

“Yo, let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, man. She’s good masturbation material. Glasses and all of that — great masturbation material.” — Tracy Morgan, TNT, Inside the NBA You can’t make this stuff up, nor can you explain it. At, Ethan Sherwood Strauss flounders around with an attempted intellectualization: It takes a […]

Religious Left Infiltrates Catholic Agency?

Lisa Graas reports: According to a document revealed by Creative Minority Report (CMR), we now have definitive proof that the pro-abortion mindset dwells even at the highest levels of the

Howard Dean: ‘Fight to Stop Right-Wing Republicans From Rolling Back Progress’

It’s helpful sometimes for conservatives to take a peek inside the echo chambers of liberalism, which is why I subscribe to a few mailing lists, including Democracy For America (DFA) which sent me this e-mail from Howard Dean: Robert – We’ve come a long way together over the years. We’ve had many victories and our […]

John B. Judis: Just Makin’ Stuff Up

Anyone familiar with the schisms and divisions among Republicans would be well advised not to read this article by The New Republic‘s senior editor while drinking coffee: In short, for the first time since the Civil War, the United States has a political party that is ideologically cohesive, disciplined, and determined to take power, even […]

Zeitgeist: 9/11 ‘Was an Inside Job’ Also: It Won a ‘Progressive’ Film Award and Is Based on ‘New Age’ Sources

For the benefit of David Dayen, the liberal blogger who claimed that the 2007 film Zeigeist is “right wing,” here is a screen-cap from the movie: The 911 Truth Criminal Elements within the US Government staged a “False Flag” Terror Attack on its own citizens, in order to manipulate public perception into supporting its agenda. […]

OMFG: Zeitgeist Is ‘Right-Wing’?

It’s the liberal Rorshach test — show them an inkblot and liberals scream, “Blame conservatives!” Loughner’s Conspiracy-Fueled Rampage Has Origins on the Fringe Right Now, you don’t have to believe that Sarah Palin purchased the gun for Loughner and whispered in his ear about targets to believe that the rhetoric on the far, far right played […]

Tucson’s James Fuller: ‘My Personal Agenda Promoting Social Justice’

James Fuller has been using his victimhood in the Tucson massacre to lash out at political scapegoats who had nothing to do with Jared Lee Loughner’s heinous crime. Fuller got himself arrested Saturday when he threatened a Tea Party leader, and people naturally are wondering, “Who the heck is this guy?” Fortunately, Fuller himself has told […]

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