Liberals Cheer as Lawyers Attempt to Destroy the Housing Market in Maryland
David Dayen at Firedoglake is doing cartwheels: In a major ruling Friday, a coalition of nonprofit defense lawyers and consumer protection advocates in Maryland successfully got over 10,000 foreclosure cases managed by GMAC Mortgage tossed out, because affidavits in the cases were signed by Jeffrey Stephan, the infamous GMAC “robo-signer” who attested to the authenticity […]
‘Vain in Their Imaginations’
God-Haters and the Tucson Massacre
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools . . . — Romans 1:21-22 (KJV) Vox Day quoted from that famous passage in describing the auto-beclownment of University of […]
When in Doubt, Blame Palin!
#BlamePalin became a sarcastic Twitter hashtag yesterday. Among other things, I blamed her for Auburn’s game-winning field goal against Oregon. Also, my four-day streak without an Instalanche. Liberals have made Palin their all-purpose scapegoat, the demon-figure whose existence relieves them of the burden for coming up with rational explanations of why bad things happen. The evasion of […]
Vitriolic Rhetoric, Anyone?
“Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life […]
Mission Accomplished, Markos Moulitsas
You can’t un-Tweet it, you see. Before the suspect had been identified, before his motive was known, you blamed Sarah Palin for an atrocious crime of which she was utterly innocent. The facts of your cruel defamation are chronicled precisely by Professor Willliam Jacobson: As far as I can tell, Matthew Yglesias of Think Progress was […]
They Only Have to Be Right Once
“Here we go,” says William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, after a Democrat decides that applying the phrase “job killing” to ObamaCare is an incitement to violence: A good place to start a more civil dialog would be for my Republican colleagues in the House to change the name of the bill they have introduced to […]
You Stay Classy, Kathy Griffin!
Hollie McKay reports at Fox News: Kathy Griffin announced her New Year’s resolution to continue a verbal assault on the Palin family. Only in 2011, the comedian said she intends to target Sarah Palin’s 16-year-old daughter, Willow. “I’ve already gone for Sarah, Todd and Bristol obviously,” Griffin told The Hollywood Reporter. “But I think it’s […]
Late Entry in the ‘Stupidest Things Liberals Said in 2010’ Sweepstakes
Harvard-educated Ezra Klein updates Orwell’s famous maxim: “One has to work at The Washington Post to believe things like that. No ordinary man could be such a fool.” On MSNBC, Klein was asked about plans of the 112th Congress to read the Constitution aloud: “Yes, it’s a gimmick. I mean, you could say two things […]
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