The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In Praise of Conor Friedersdorf

— by Wombat-socho Everyone who’s raised a child, or housebroken a puppy, knows the importance of rewards and punishments.* So it is with young pundits who show the occasional flashes of conservative or libertarian leanings: we must fisk them, or at the very least point and laugh, when they write something stupid for public consumption, […]

Michelle Fields, Paulbot?
UPDATE: Denial!

She doesn’t go for neocon Beta males, IYKWIMAITYD Allahpundit would probably headline this story “Heartache.” You guys remember Michelle Fields, the Daily Caller reporter whom I interviewed Saturday about her being harassed by the OccupyDC mob. After I’d posted that interview, I called her back and suggested she should ask the Daily Caller’s promotional department […]

We Have Always Been The Party Of No

By Wombat This was originally going to be a response to one of the comments in Stacy’s post Hecklers In The Big Tent, but it got a bit long and complicated, so I’m going to throw this up as a regular post without all the linkagery I normally specialize in here. I think everyone is […]

Can I Contend With Professor Reynolds for the ‘I Told You So’ Rodeo Buckle?

That tall-walking Tennessee buckaroo rides hard: “On April 15, 2009, as the first nationwide wave of Tea Party protests broke out, I wrote: ‘What’s most striking about the tea-party movement is that most of the organizers haven’t ever organized, or even participated, in a protest rally before. General disgust has drawn a lot of people […]

Will Libertarians Decry The Boston Tea Party?

by Smitty (h/t Dan Riehl) I was just listening to the Levin rant, which is a must-hear. Levin starts with the Boston Tea Party. Dumping the tea into Boston Harbor was a gross violation of private property. That’s a cute historical point, but, if those Bostonians had been fully committed to Libertarian navel-gazing, we’d still […]

BREAKING: Handel Concedes; Nathan Deal Wins Ga. GOP Gubernatorial Runoff

A recount seemed certain last night, but now Karen Handel has called it quits, as Aaron Sheinin reports from Atlanta: Yesterday, Karen Handel called Nathan Deal a “corrupt relic of Washington.” Today, however, Handel said she is endorsing him as the GOP nominee for governor. In a statement just released from the Handel campaign, she […]