‘Jetpack Joe’ and the CNN Town Hall
There were many weird moments during this week’s CNN town hall event with Joe Biden in Baltimore, but the one that attracted universal comment was the “Jetpack Joe” episode. CNN host Anderson Cooper was asking Biden about inflation, which took about 20 seconds, during which time Biden stood with his fists clenched and his elbows […]
CNN ‘Stepped Up,’ Covered Avenatti Prison Sentence, MSNBC Didn’t
Credit where credit is due — the Media Research Center’s Curtis Houck notes that CNN covered the story of former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti being sentenced to prison on extortion charges, while MSNBC continued to ignore Avenatti’s downfall. So CNN (where Avenatti made 122 appearances during his 2018 heyday as an anti-Trump hero) has […]
CNN’s ‘Hero’ Voter Is a Felon
On “Super Tuesday” last year, CNN celebrated a Houston voter, Hervis Rogers, who stood in line for hours to vote in the Democratic primary: “I figured like it was my duty to vote. I wanted to get my vote in to voice my opinion. And I wasn’t going to let nothing stop me. So I […]
Truth or Satire? It’s Getting Harder to Tell
January headline from The Babylon Bee: CNN Unveils New Format Where Hosts Just Watch Fox News And Yell At It This is awfully close to describing what’s happened to CNN in recent months. Once Biden was inaugurated, the network lost its raison d’être of producing anti-Trump propaganda. Ratings for CNN have evaporated since January and, […]
CNN: ‘Crisis? What Crisis?’
For the past three days, I’ve had the TV in my home office tuned to CNN. This is something I do occasionally, just to see what the world looks like to people who get their news from the liberal media. One thing I noticed is that, during about two dozen hours of programming over three […]
Jake Tapper: Still Not Over Macho Grande
Has it really been 40 years since Airplane? Perhaps younger readers don’t get the “over Macho Grande” reference, but it came to mind as I watched Jake Tapper have a hissy fit after Thursday’s debate, declaring that President Trump “is running the single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for a major party candidate.” […]
CNN Chief Legal Analyst Masturbates During Video Chat With Colleagues
Harvard Law alumnus Jeffrey Toobin: The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week. Toobin says he did not realize his video was on. “I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I apologize to […]
‘Sundown Joe’ Babbles Incoherently About Fracking in CNN Pennsylvania Town Hall
The first thing you have to understand about this is, the question Joe got here was scripted in advance — from a union official, pitching an underhand softball question to the candidate he supports — and that Biden’s response was also scripted. But as Ed Morrissey points out, Biden was tripping all over himself […]
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