The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Romney Booster Jen Rubin Getting Worried About ‘Mormon Mitt’ Meme?

Resisting the urge to call this “Ain’t I Done Told Ya So? Part IV,” we find Rubin horribly flustered that McKay Coppins wrote this: Ann Romney was already fully immersed in stay-at-home motherhood — raising five sons, ages six to 16, in her Belmont home — when Mormon prophet Ezra Taft Benson took to a […]

Narrative Arc: Second-Guessing Palin, Santorum’s Story and Romney’s Doom

Sarah Palin speaks in Manchester, N.H., Sept. 5, 2011 Yesterday, Ross Douthat engaged in a “counterfactual” what-if about the 2012 primary campaign: Could Sarah Palin have won? Speculation unmoored from actual facts is one of those games intellectuals love to play. It’s light work for brainy people to imagine what might have been in an […]

Further Omens of Impending Doom

It’s Romney 47%, Obama 45% in the first Gallup Daily Tracking Poll of the 2012 general election campaign, and I’m sure everybody’s happy at this apparent falsification of the claim that a bitterly contested fight for the nomination was bad for GOP prospects. Having foresworn any actual optimism, however, I regard this as a false […]

Ain’t I Done Told Ya So? (Part III)

We are shocked — shocked! — to discover liberals in the media hinting at future coverage about Mitt’s Mormonism: Panelist Jon Meacham asked whether any of the focus on Romney’s “secrecy” may have something to do with his faith, Mormonism, a religion shrouded in mystery for many non-Mormons. “Is this code for the secrecy of […]

Turbo-Tax Tim Does 3 Sunday Shows UPDATE: Geithner Praises Obama’s ‘Incredibly Effective’ Economic Policies

The Treasury Secretary is ubiquitous on Tax Day: ABC This Week: Timothy Geithner. NBC Meet the Press: Timothy Geithner; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. CBS Face the Nation: Timothy Geithner; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. CNN State of the Union: Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee; Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Cathy […]

Misandry, Misogyny and Mrs. Romney

Ann Romney and her patriarchal oppressors, circa 1976 Cassandra at Villanous Company does her Alpha Female bitch-goddess workout on James Taranto, who had the temerity to offer a sympathetic view of young male existence in the post-feminist society: At the same time, there is good reason for males (men as well as boys) to be more […]

Nolte Notion At Breitbart: Ann Romney As Sarah Palin Surrogate

by Smitty From the Well-That-Makes-Inverted-Lefty-Sense Department: Ann Romney stepped into the White House’s line of fire by handling the situation … with absolute perfection. And as she did, let me assure you, Obama’s Media Palace Guards completely freaked out. Welcome to what will surely become “Palin II: The Nuclear Option.” We all remember how John […]

Feminism, Careerism, Lesbianism

Still a month to go before “National Offend a Feminist Week,” but some folks can’t wait, eh? I’ll save the lecture for the updates, but first let’s aggregate today’s headlines (via Memeorandum and Twitter): Ann Romney Fights Back: Debuts on Twitter to Counter DNC Advisor’s Insult — ABC News Rosen apologizes over comments against Ann […]

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